Give Me Avacado!



  • lvfunandfit
    lvfunandfit Posts: 654 Member
    Avocado is one of my favorites! My kids love it too! We put it on tuna sandwiches, in omelets, on whole wheat toast as a spread with light cream cheese.... Mmmm..... I love it on the side with grilled chicken (marinated in balsamic vinegar and garlic) and a squeeze of lime.
  • lisa811
    lisa811 Posts: 363
    Growing up I always had a snack with avacado, some salt and eaten with bread, or with my dinner.
    Now it's a slice on it's own on the side with my dinner or salad or sandwich.

    My question, anybody know how to prevent it from turning brown?
    If I cut and use half, then when I go to use the other half, I just scrape off the brown outer coating, and eat the rest.
    Anybody do something different?

    Lime juice rubbed on it helps...usually I do what you do though...just scrape off the brown, lol.

    I've tried lime juice and also someone told me that leaving the pit in with it helps... but it still turns brown overnight. So yeah I just scrape it off. :smile:
    Yes leaving it in the pit will help, also the lemon or lime juice. I just also learned that if you wrap it tightly in plastic wrap it keeps it longer. I was just putting in a ziplock or tupperware and have found the tight wrap to work better.

    I've tried lime juice, lemon juice, leaving the pit in, plastic wrap, aluminum foil, and combinations of all of those. Nothing seems to make a difference. I've even tried those vacuum plastic bags. Helped a little, but they're expensive and there was still some brown. I, too, just scrape the brown part off...but would love if anyone has found any other solutions. I LOOOOVE avocados, but I'm the only one, so I never use a whole one at a time. I hate wasting so much of it! :cry:
  • Yurippe
    Yurippe Posts: 850 Member
    I had half an avacaco on a meat replacement "chicken" patty with pepper jack cheese last night. I think I'll have that for lunch again today!
  • etarre
    etarre Posts: 147 Member
    I like to put avocado in corn salad with chopped tomato, and black olives. You can top with salsa, sour cream, and/or chimichurri sauce. Chopped fresh cilantro is also great if you have it around.
  • kris2600
    kris2600 Posts: 149
    2/3 cup cooked brown rice
    1/2 avacado
    1/4 cup pinto or black beans, canned
    1-2 TBSP Salse

    This is an awesome and easy lunch or dinner!
  • KatWood
    KatWood Posts: 1,135 Member
    I recently had an advocado just with a bit of salt and pepper and hot sauce. It was great!
    I've been also told it makes a great dessert by mashing it and mixing it will milk and sugar. I plan to try that later this week.
  • Families_R_Forever
    SPEAKING OF AVACODO...I have a question? I buy the BIG ones at costco and can't find the nutritional info on this site for a big one. I have been just adding the small one to my meals since my hubby and I share one a day. I know they are from Mexico, but that is all I know. I know they are alot of cals so I really want to get it right. It looks like a lot of you on here eat them so I wondered what you did...THANKS

    Here is a recipe that I like...

    Fruity Avocado Smoothie

    1 Fully ripened Mexican avocado
    ½ Banana
    1 ½ Cup orange juice (I use tropicana)
    1 Container low fat vanilla yogurt (6 oz.) (I use homemade plain yogurt and add a little vanilla)
    1 Cup ice cubes

    Cut avocado lengthwise around the pit; twist halves to separate; strike pit with a knife blade and pull to remove. Cut pulp into chunks; scoop out chunks into the container of the electric blender. Add orange juice, banana, vanilla yogurt and ice cubes. Cover and blend at high speed until smooth. Pour into glasses to serve immediate.
  • Kyliemish
    Kyliemish Posts: 29
    Oooh I LUV avocados!
    Usually I just slice one in half, take out the pit, and eat it with a spoon (all that healthy fat in them, they really help to plump up your hair and skin <3)

    They are delish in a spinach salad with sliced kiwi, raspberries, with some fruit mixed granola to add some crunch. Add a lite raspberry vinagarette too if you want, it adds a little more taste. Defiently a nice lite snack for the mid afternoon! And you totally can't go wrong with guacamole.

    I found this recipe online for a avocado mango salad that looks delish, I want to try and make it this week! So I'll share it here =^__^=


    3 tbsp fresh lime juice
    2 tbsp vegetable oil
    1 tbsp sugar
    2 large firm-ripe mangoes
    2 medium firm-ripe avocados
    2/3 cup thinly sliced green onion and chopped cilantro
    1 orange, sectioned
    1 lb peeled cooked shrimp

    Mix up and enjoy!
  • blondie_girl14
    blondie_girl14 Posts: 198 Member
    When I lived in Mexico, my family would make me "Mexican sandwiches" since they think Americans can't live without sandwiches hehe. Bread with avocado on both slices, tomato slices, and a slice of cheese. Nothing fancy, but so delicious :)

    this sound really yummy!

    Even though avacados are good fat, there is a lot of it in a whole
  • doll2002
    doll2002 Posts: 427
    I saw this recipe on Dr. Oz show and I love it. This was my first time trying avacado and I was pleasantly surprised. It is called the Brazilian Avacado Shake. Instead of the low fat milk, I use 1/2 can of fat free condensed milk.


    2 cups low-fat milk

    1 large, ripe avocado

    2 tbsp of honey or agave nectar

    A little bit of ice

    vanilla extract


    Blend until smooth and serve