A question

clhelms Posts: 6
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
I know muscle weighs more than fat but am curious if anyone can provide me with why I'm gaining weight rather than losing it.

So I'll give you my whole story. I was 164, 5'7" in feb of 2006. Through diet and exercise (weight watchers and curves) by September of that year I was 131, go me :D. Well then I got pregnant, lol. Gained it all back but left the hospital at 143 which I maintained. I had just started working out doing muay thai (kickboxing) 4 times a week and was starting to see muscle definition when I learned my husband was cheating on me, through out the next month I went from 143 to 124 which again I was able to maintain. Recently, I noticed my jeans getting tight I had gained 3 pounds and was sitting at 127 so I rejoined Curves and have curbed my eating by returning to weight watchers or weight watchers with a couple of extras here and there (i.e. the 3 cookies I ate last night) but it is still significantly less than what I have been eating. I gave up soda but for the 1 non caffienated one I allow myself each week to curb my craving and have pretty much stayed out of fast food places except for subway and yesterday morning (I had an egg mcmuffin minus the egg and a fruit and yogurt parfait approx. 450 calories). At weigh in this month I weighed 128 which was two days ago and this morning I jumped on my scale which has always stayed on point with the Curves scale and weighed 130. Can anyone explain this to me? Is it just muscle, my body fat percentage went down by 2/10 and my hips decreased by .25 but everything else has stayed the same. I'm wondering if my body is not meant to be below 130 when healthy but I really like that 124 number and the jeans that go with it. Any ideas? I know this is long and appreciate you taking the time to review it!



  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    The human body fluctuates daily, anywhere from 5 lbs above to 5 lbs below your actual weight. Taking 1 measurement is very inaccurate. The only way to use the scale is to record multiple weights over a relatively long period(a month or more) and correlate the data, looking for deltas, doing it any other way is basically meaningless.
  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member
    i weighed in two days ago and then again this morning and im up 2 pounds i don't worry too much only cause i know it's normal sometimes it's because you didn't drink enough water, use the bathroom alot, you ate something high in sodium so many things make our bodys change weight if you don't see a change in about a week or two then i would start changing your diet and look at what your eating and if it's high in sodium
  • boniekatie
    boniekatie Posts: 147
    If you are loosing inches and body fat % and getting more defined muscle than don't worry about the number on the scale. Yes, at a certain point in fitness you can gain weight from the muscle you are building. Think healthy not numbers.

    A certain doctor had an athletic girl come into his office crying because she weighed 135 lbs and her room mate only weight 112 lbs. and they were around the same height. He did a body fat percentage on both of them and found that the roomate had a body fat of 22% while the athlete had a body fat of 9%. The only way she could get a lower weight like her roommate would have been to trade in some of her muscle for fat. I don't think you want to do that so, quit obsessing about the scale.:flowerforyou:
  • clhelms
    clhelms Posts: 6
    If you are loosing inches and body fat % and getting more defined muscle than don't worry about the number on the scale. Yes, at a certain point in fitness you can gain weight from the muscle you are building. Think healthy not numbers.

    A certain doctor had an athletic girl come into his office crying because she weighed 135 lbs and her room mate only weight 112 lbs. and they were around the same height. He did a body fat percentage on both of them and found that the roomate had a body fat of 22% while the athlete had a body fat of 9%. The only way she could get a lower weight like her roommate would have been to trade in some of her muscle for fat. I don't think you want to do that so, quit obsessing about the scale.:flowerforyou:

    I am trying to think that way, I keep telling myself it doesn't matter if I'm 120 or 135 as long as I am fit and trim but its so hard to see that scale move in the wrong direction, lol. I appreciate the encouragment and after some of the comments from the pp am wondering if maybe the sodium from my soda yesterday is what had me weigh so high this morning. I think I'll start weighing myself at home more to get a better understanding of how my weight fluctuates. I just wasn't expecting an early morning, pre eating, naked weigh in to be so much higher than the two days prior when I was fully clothed and recently fed LOL.
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