Training for Mini-Marathon

Hey Folks,
I came to this site to track my food habits and exercise because I decided to train for a mini-marathon. I am NOT a runner (at least my brain calls me crazy) and I was quite overweight (lost 100 pounds).
But, part of this training schedule I've entered into says I should "Carb Load".
Does anybody know what that means? Have any good recipes?


  • TB6197
    TB6197 Posts: 23
    Hey, Good luck. Its essentially when you stock up on carbs the day before big race. It stops you hitting 'the wall' as it stores energy that can be released quickly when doing a lot of exercise. I wouldnt do it all the time as it just means eating loads of carbs. so for example before a marathon or half marathon they often organise a pasta party. How far is the race? You dont need a recipes just loads of pasta
  • The race is 13 miles and I have to keep an 18 minute mile pace. Can't be too hard.
    Thanks for the info. I was thinking I had to shove carbs down my throat for the next 2 months. Scary!!
  • TB6197
    TB6197 Posts: 23
    Half Marathon is good - I did the Great North Run (UK) a couple of years ago - amazing! I wouldn't worry about the carb loading until perhaps the day before the race. If you are running upto 10/12 miles in training towards the end - take some energy gels with you - they tend to get you round okay - they taste pretty awful but is better than eating tons of pasta ( at least thats my opinion). If you do a long run on a Sunday, for example, I would try and have a good beakfast first thing (porridge and a banana) just to keep the energy levels up and to be honest you should be okay certainly in the early days (upto 6miles) you probably dont need to take anything with you - over that I find an energy drink or gels help.

    18 minute mile should be fine

    Good luck and let me know how it goes - I love running when I am doing it regularly - it is addictive _ Get some good running shoes (from a proper running shop _ shoes will be a little more expensive but will be properly fitted) and some good socks - X-socks are amazing never had a blister whilst wearing them!