Allow me to reintroduce myself :-)

Hey everyone my name is Jena Lee :-) Several years ago I made a major life change and became a vegetarian. I used my fitness pal not only as a tool to lose weight but to also make sure I was getting all of the nutrients I needed. I had great success with the support from my MFP friends! I lost over 20lbs and never felt better or healthier. Sadly I decided to go it on my own and pretty much gained almost all of it back :-( I want nothing more than the happiness that I felt when I was fit and healthy. I know I can do it again I just need the support. I would love not only the support from new friends but to also be there to support them! Here's to getting healthy again :-)


  • kikgirl007
    Good for you and welcome back! I used this app before and got to my goal weight...same story though..I stopped and gained it all back and some this winter...back on track though and lost 6 lbs in the first 10 days =) you can do it!! Feel free to friend me and well keep each other motivated!!