Broken scales and bad maths

I smiled smuggly on the scales several times over Christmas as the pointer told me I hadn't gained any weight. In mid January I went for a rountine check up and upon the doctors scales I realised my home scales must be broken....I was 8 or 9 pounds heavier than I'd thought.
So I logged back into myfitnesspal and tried to stick to sensible eating. Today I went to the weigh house in the market, it turns out when the doctors weighed me in kilograms I had converted it wrong - I had actually been almost a whole stone heavier than my home scales had told me. Despite losing 4 pounds since being at the doctors I'm back to the weight I thought I had been when the doctor weighed me.
I'm trying to focus on the fact I have managed to lose some weight and that hopefully the bad weather will be over soon and I can exercise some more.
I just wanted to share my frustration about the broken scales and my bad maths to stop me from bottling and exaggerating the negative. I hope no one else has had a similar experience as it feels rather heart breaking.


  • deladypilot
    deladypilot Posts: 618 Member
    I never trust a doctors scales. Most of them have not been calibrated since the day they were set there. I do understand where you are coming from though. It is hard to go to the dr and see what their scale says when you know what your home scale says. I now tell my dr its ok to weigh me but I do not want to know what it says
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    Keep using the same scales as a reference, all sorts of scales are calibrated differently, and they won't read the same. If you think your home scale is off, buy a new one, or always weigh in the market. Don't use different scales and compare between them.