Any advice on how to do cardio with bad asthma?



  • fresh_start59
    fresh_start59 Posts: 590 Member
    I've got asthma/reactive airway disease and since that flared up I've just fallen totally out of shape cardio wise. I can barely walk briskly without weezing to the point where it scares me how much I can't catch my breath -- how do I exercise through this? I have an inhaler but do I use that and then continue running/cycling/etc.? Ugh. Help! It's awful! I actually enjoy running -- I just can't do it :(

    You need to talk to your doctor about this and work together to find something that works for you.

    I have exercise induced asthma but had no idea for years. I just thought I was out of shape and every time I tried to get in shape, I'd have trouble catching my breath and go into nasty coughing fits. When asthma was finally diagnosed and I was prescribed an inhaler (albuterol) I learned that the "cure" caused my heart to pound and gave me a bad case of the jitters, which triggered my panic attacks, which in turn led to hyperventilation and feeling like I was having an asthma attack.

    It was a vicious cycle. Long story short ... I just stopped exerting myself and over the years I became VERY, VERY out of shape.

    Recently, my doctor and I agreed that I need to exercise to avoid an early death. I explained my issues, my fear of exercise and my fear of panic-inducing inhalers. I was prescribed a different type of inhaler (Flovent, a corticosteroid) and, so far, it seems to do the trick.
  • Donjoe2448
    I have been dealing with the same issues. I have had asthma since I was a small child. I used to be on Advair as a kid but once I left home all of that sort of fell to the wayside so to speak. I am in the process of looking for a new doctor, as I feel my current one doesn't do enough to help me out. The only time it is addressed is when I get bronchitis, then he puts me on high doses of Prednisone to combat the inflammation and tells me to take my albuterol as needed. I feel I need something more to be done!! I get so winded doing every little thing and I know that part of it is because I am overweight and out of shape but it is hard to do anything about it when I feel like I am dying whenever I try!! :(
  • jen81uk
    jen81uk Posts: 177 Member
    I don't really know a lot about this if i'm honest but my friend runs (and wins) marathons and has bad asthma, consult your doctor cos she seems to control hers really well xx
  • AngNY
    AngNY Posts: 193

    I've had asthma all my life and it was only till last year (24 yrs old) I realized I was not taking care of myself correctly.

    I would only use my rescue inhaler and nothing else. I couldn't lay with my pets, exercise, walk up a hill without getting a wheeze. My life was absolutely terrible. I would even get it during sex! So embarrassing.

    Finally I went to a doctor and she prescribed me a preventive medicine. First it was Advair but that actually made me worse. I felt like I was having a heart attack. Then she prescribed me Flovent and since then my quality of life is beyond happy.

    I have not gotten asthma since taking it. I can lay with my pets, run, jump, flip, and I feel like I can fly! lol

    There are many preventive meds out there so you will have to choose whats best for you. I inhale mine twice a day and my life is so much better.

    Please see a doctor! She can figure out what's causing it. Mine was obvious... Too many pets! lol But I'd rather scarf down whatever meds just to care for my babies oh and exercise of course!
  • AngNY
    AngNY Posts: 193
    I have been dealing with the same issues. I have had asthma since I was a small child. I used to be on Advair as a kid but once I left home all of that sort of fell to the wayside so to speak. I am in the process of looking for a new doctor, as I feel my current one doesn't do enough to help me out. The only time it is addressed is when I get bronchitis, then he puts me on high doses of Prednisone to combat the inflammation and tells me to take my albuterol as needed. I feel I need something more to be done!! I get so winded doing every little thing and I know that part of it is because I am overweight and out of shape but it is hard to do anything about it when I feel like I am dying whenever I try!! :(

    Have you tried Flovent?
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    See a DR.,

    About 20 years ago, I was having troubles similar.

    Allergy shots changed my life.
  • tif83
    tif83 Posts: 85 Member
    I have severe asthma too. Being out of shape only makes it worse. I generally always take my inhaler before hitting the gym and i haven't been having any problems, even on days when I was flaring up some. If your asthma isn't controlled you should def go back and see your Dr. I started out slowly (slower than I wanted) but focused on distance and endurance over how fast I was walking. That helped, and i've been able to start walking faster w/o having an asthma attack. During days w/ my personal trainer I tend to get more out of breath, but i know when i'm getting too close to an attack and just tell her and take a min to catch my breath. You know your body better than anyone else and you just have to find a way to work with it. Again, if it's too bad, go see a dr. I know people say you shouldn't need the rescue inhaler if you're under control, but personally I take mine about every day, plus in preparation for a workout. I take all my meds and I see my Dr regularly. It's just what it is for me personally. Find your own control zone and learn your triggers and pay attn to your body. Good luck!
  • sunsnstatheart
    sunsnstatheart Posts: 2,544 Member
    I agree with the above posters who say see your doctor first. Talk to your doctor about a preventative inhaler and get it under control. Start walking and build from there. Accept that you have to build slowly but keep at it. You can do it, lots of us have. I find that the more I run the fewer attacks and general issues I have as it helps to build up lung capacity.
  • evbmx709
    evbmx709 Posts: 1
    I am 18 and have been racing BMX for 11 years and i have asthma. I use my inhaler before a race, but still struggle sometimes depending on weather. My doctor put me on a daily inhaled steroid, but it didn't help.

    You HAVE to see your doctor! If you dont think he is helping you maybe try to ask around and find a doctor that is known for being good with asthma. Different doctors have different opinions and always tell me different things.

    Try workouts that get your heart rate up, but don't last for very long.
    If the air is cold I catch my breath by pulling my shirt up over my mouth.
  • AlmightyAce
    AlmightyAce Posts: 35 Member
    In for replies. I too have bad asthma. I'm now on Dulera and it helps but I still have trouble breathing in the evenings.
  • runs4zen
    runs4zen Posts: 769 Member
    I do distance running and have adult onset asthma. Mine is seasonal and varies in severity dependent on a whole lot of factors. I think most people on here have it right...see an expert and get their advice. It's possible to do cardio with asthma but you need to be supervised and I'd hate to give you bad advise.

    For me...I carry an inhaler on long runs and have it within a few miles on short runs. My asthma is not severe enough that I can't make it three or four miles to the car or house if need be.
  • yuuen
    yuuen Posts: 114 Member
    As others have said, I use my inhaler before exercising. Opens things up. I don't push myself past my limits, and I keep my allergies in check when that's a contributing factor (since I hike a lot). I find my asthma has gotten a lot better during exercise as I've lost weight and exercised more regularly. Hopefully it turns out the same for you! Good luck. c: