Looking for friends!

Hey everyone! I've had the app on my phone for a while, used it on and off but now I'm in it to win it! I'd like to meet some like minded individuals who can keep me on track!

A little about my weight loss journey. I'm 5'8" and Ill be 26 in a few months. I was at my heaviest around 2007, pushing 215lbs. (That's when I met my boyfriend 6 years ago, so I know he loves me for me!!! :-)) Eventually I got down to about 180 which I've been around for the past 5 years or so. Unfortunately I've also been on and off a variety of anti anxiety medications too which kept my weight fluctuating. My lowest in the past 7 years or so was around 160 and that was only last year! I then was switched to a different SSRI and gained 20lbs in a MONTH!!!! NO! So I've discussed everything with my Dr, and I've been off the meds for a few weeks now and feeling great!

Now I'm on the path to losing this weight once and for all!

I'm actually not an unhealthy person. I've basically been vegetarian for a year or so, but claimed it 100% at the first of the year. I've never been much of a meat eater anyways. I'm minoring in nutrition in college, and I'm a food label nazi. I quit smoking 14 months ago, so sometiimes it's hard to say no to food even now. However my issue is with exercising. I HATE EXERCISING. Anyone agree with me?

Anyhoo I've started off every other day with about a half hour of cardio and I do easy yoga twice a week.

So basically I'm just looking for some friends, and a community I can be a part of, so I won't relapse into old habits.

I'm looking to lose 30 lbs by mid June (I'll be going to Europe for two months this summer!) and then when I return, working on at least another 10. My goal weight is around 140lbs.

Nice to meet you all. :-)


  • Great to meet you and welcome!
  • fightininggirl
    fightininggirl Posts: 792 Member
    nice to meet you. I am at 183 pounds now. working my way to 134. my heaviest was 250 pounds. you are welcome to add me.
  • aanitanicole
    aanitanicole Posts: 2 Member
    Nice to meet you. I too am working to get my weight done to around 145-160. I am very dedicated this time. I tried this once before I lost some weight and quit. I have been working on it for about 4 weeks now and I have lost 8 pounds. It is not easy, however nothing worth having is easy to obtain. I didn't like excercising either until I tried Zumba. I love it. I do it 2-3 days a week, sometimes twice a day. You can do this just set your mind to it and together we can get it done.:happy:
  • brenn24179
    brenn24179 Posts: 2,144 Member
    I also weighed over 200,about 208 (I cringe at the thought of that) Two years ago I dropped the weight and got down to 160 and it felt great. I am up about 10 lbs and worrying about putting the weight back on. I found this site a few days ago, we have to keep the weight down, it felt great to get into those small shorts and capris. It seems like my body is wanting to put weight back on, I guess I have picked up bad habits here lately, time to change, dont want to go back. I added you as a friend.
  • RobynMWilson
    RobynMWilson Posts: 1,540 Member
    Welcome!! Sending FR now :)
  • I've always wanted to try zumba! I did however go to a drop in fitness class at my school... it was only 30 minutes and I got lightheaded and nearly passed out! I think I need to ease myself in a bit first!
  • you know what's weird? Tell me if anyone feels the same... I don't really have a bad body image. Some days I look in the mirror and think "damn I'm looking good!" then I step on the scale and the number is terrifying! I mean, I wouldn't go out of the house in a bikini but yeah. I hate that... because when I see pictures of myself I cringe too.. it sucks :-(
  • Welcome!

    I'm La-Kesha, but everyone calls me Kesha. Nice to meet you. I'm looking to meet some friends to help keep me motivated as well. I get off track with my schedule, but this time I want to reach my goal and stay there. I'm at 180 right now, but I'd like to around 150.

    We can do this!
  • dunkt10
    dunkt10 Posts: 35 Member
    Hi! My name is, KD. I am around 194 right now abd my biggest was 235 about 3 years ago. I got down to about 185 then got preggo with twins.Yea so now I'm basically starting over trying to lose. nt to bed down to at least 170 by Memorial Day weekend. Nice to meet everyone!