Back Pain.. Help.



  • teebeegeebee
    teebeegeebee Posts: 218 Member

    I injured my lower back right side 2 years ago

    MRI scan showed slight disc bulging 4-5mm

    Doctors said that when my muscles spasm (pain signals) it is causing one of my facet joints to rub - burning sensation

    I have had a multiple approach to treatment to avoid injections or surgery

    I do clinical pilates daily to work my core muscles, and flex my spine, including use of a clinical reformer machine 2-3 times a week
    I go to the gym most days now as Im getting the weight off to help my core
    I have heatpacks,take celebrex (muscle relaxant) and endep to help me sleep

    I have done hydrotherapy and regularly attend physiotherapy for joint movement sessions

    All up I still have some pain however I am armed with all the things I need to self treat it when it arises, I would push your doctore to look again at you and your situation

    take care
  • monty619
    monty619 Posts: 1,308 Member
  • lawkat
    lawkat Posts: 538 Member
    Did you doctor mention sciatica or piriformis syndrome? I strained my piriformis a few months back which then caused by sciatica to begin and pain stretching down the back of my leg. I also have some minor lower back pain which is related to posture and lack of core work. At the recommendation of my doctor, I have begun PT. Between PT and also adding some pilates and yoga classes, both my lower back and sciatica are much better I do a variety of stretches and core work which is what I needed.

    I would look into PT. They might be able to better figure out what is wrong with you since it isn't your spine.
  • lawkat
    lawkat Posts: 538 Member
    I had previously gone to and orthopedic surgeon who did nothing for my back. He took some x-rays and said I should stop running, but nothing about PT or working my core.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    I think you might need to take longer than 3 weeks off. I dropped a squat and tweaked my back in the fall, and ended up taking a full 6 weeks off lifting. It sucked, but it worked and now I'm finally back to my pre-injury strength- which took another 6 weeks to ramp back up. Sorry :ohwell:

    I agree. Your body is screaming at you to rest. Don't ignore it.
  • jzammetti
    jzammetti Posts: 1,956 Member
    Personally, I would go see a chiropractor and have you iced it at all, normally when an area is inflamed due to some type of injury it is better to ice to relieve some of the swelling

    I would do this as well - but perhaps you need to allow yourself time to fully recover as well. Sometimes woorking through the pain is bad.
  • bananaas2
    I have dealt with back problems from time to time through out my life. Recently I was limited to being able to only stand for 10 min. or less then have to sit. A major part of my fitness program has been walking, hiking and dance. Unfortunately I have to carry firewood for heat up 3 flights of stairs. I had to quit lifting weights and was shown the proper stretches I needed to do to help my back repair and then was turned onto the book "The Trigger Point Therapy Workbook" by Clair Davies. It might be worth your time to check it out. There are a lot of very positive reviews on Amazon also.

    I'm not back to my full range of activities but I've improved significantly. I work on my back about 3 times daily.

    Good luck ---Gary