I am so sad and discouraged!



  • darbobo
    Ok lock thread, OP deactivated there acct...
  • linda0372
    linda0372 Posts: 27 Member
    I am like you. I'm a stress eater too. Its hard I know, but don't give up. I have been doing the gym and eating right for 11 months. I have lost a total of 46 lbs. I went from 321 lbs to 275lbs. You will see the change. Trust me, you will.
  • positivepeggi
    oh... that's sad... I would stop worrying about my weight and just focus on being consistent while seeing a therapist for your other issues. You can also try some motivation speakers on Youtube or something like that. That gets me going.
  • ines25
    ines25 Posts: 107 Member
    My friend I know where u coming from but stick the and I'll recommend u to drink SLEEPY TIME TEA EVERY NIGHT and try soothing teas to drink during the day. I was in a deep depression but thank to god after spending 2yrs in therapy which help and some natural remedies for my depression I'm doing great oh and I never took medication for depression it make u gain a lot of weight did my research and stick to vitamins and natural remedies. Do you take medication for your depression?
  • bigaussiebloke
    bigaussiebloke Posts: 257 Member
    This whole post is stressing me out...I need Chocolate!

    Seriously though....While I understand, and believe me, I really do understand, there has to come a point where you can either make a change or stay playing the victim of circumstances card... I hope you have the courage to make the change!
  • Aviendha_RJ
    Aviendha_RJ Posts: 600 Member
    Her account is deactivated. No point in continuing to buoy up her spirits.
  • EmilyJackCO
    EmilyJackCO Posts: 621 Member
    If your anxiety is that bad, see a therapist.

    This. If your anxiety is affecting you this badly, weight loss aside, this isn't a "put up or shut up" thing.

    DEFINITELY this. Honestly - I am a basket case without my therapist. And it has helped me learn to put caring for myself before all else. I have already worked 36 hours this week, and today was a half day. I work in a very high stress field as well - and it's really tough right now, on top of both my mom and my kitty dying a month apart in Nov & Dec.

    My anxiety is sky high - and I am coping without medicine and without overeating. What I will not give up - period - is my workouts. EVERYONE knows that this is how I keep my sanity, and those 2 hours 4x a week are non-negotiable. If I have to go to the gym and then come home and work for another 6 hours, so be it... but I won't give up on that. Find your coping mechanisms, besides food... I find that as much as I like lifting - cardio is what helps me burn the stress away. I think mainly because it's mindless, I have my music, and can think about nothing but the music and the burn...

    And if snacking helps - stock up on veggies and light cheese. Or tea & fruit. Nuts are always good too (I LOVE the chocolate roasted almonds). And portion them out in advance for work. But I find that solid scheduled meals help keep my anxiety more at bay. I still even eat my comfort foods - just slightly modified versions and in smaller quantities. I even still have fast food - I just make it fit into my calorie goals. And I work my *kitten* off.
  • bigaussiebloke
    bigaussiebloke Posts: 257 Member
    Her account is deactivated. No point in continuing to buoy up her spirits.

    Seriously..... smh

    Oh well I guess she played the card I was talking about....
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    If health and fitness is important to you then you will make it important. If your comfort and your relationship with food is more important that continue to do what you are doing to soothe your anxiety.

    I too suffer from this and find that I actually get depressed and sad, I've literally cried before, when I couldnt turn to food. It's not easy, but ultimatly you have to decide what is important to you.
  • Jennvandemark
    Jennvandemark Posts: 179 Member
    I also deal with anxiety and it took me a couple of years to get a grip on it. I still find it hard to be around new people and hate the idea of a crowd of people. I gained a good 60 pounds trying to eat my feelings during that low part of my life. I now combat my anxiety with exercise. I sometimes emotional eat but it's a part of my life I am trying to deal with and learn to live with. It's not going to change over night but take it one step at a time. I got help for my anxiety because it was leading me to a dark place. So by all means please seek help if you feel yourself going there. Chin up you will pull through this.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    Her account is deactivated. No point in continuing to buoy up her spirits.

    hmmm odd people
  • Gjallarhorn
    Focus on your mental and emotional well being first. Then focus on the physical.
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    im not trying to be rude, but c'mon, most of us have stressfull rocky daily lives. some people have health problems, some people have lost thier children, a parent, a sibling, or a friend... some people have stressfull jobs, some people dont have a job and all and want / nned one desperatly... some people have financial problems. there is no excuse to continue eating in a way that is dangerous to your health or your self confidence unless you just plain old dont want to change it. im married, with 5 children, all one and one half years apart in age, im a full time college student, my son is in and out of the hospital needing a pace maker, and financially we are strapped. i have alot more on my plate, thats just the topping... but i dont use it as an excuse. i too have generalized anxiety disorder and take medication for that. but still, NO EXCUSES! i got sick and tired of being sick and tired. i got sick of being out of breath just going upstairs to my room. i got sick of always being drained with no energy. and you know what else... I GOT SICK OF BEING FAT AND NOT LOOKING THE WAY I ALWAYS WANTED TO LOOK. NO EXCUSES! either you want it, or you dont!