Motivation Killer

I have dropped almost 20 pounds from my heaviest weight. A good chunk of it while doing MFP. I have been working out regularly and am feeling better and feel lighter and more in shape.

I was at the gym tonight and went to do some new lifting exercises and the dumb bells were over by the mirrors. I started lifting and looking in the mirror and all my new found joy at my successes drained right out of me. I looked huge in the mirror. I know I have a long way to go but seeing myself like that just took the wind right out of my sails.

Sure I see myself in the mirror at home but I am not working out so all of the jiggly bits are not jiggling when I look. It just seemed that after dropping weight and pant sizes I should notice something when I look but nothing yet.


  • lacurandera1
    lacurandera1 Posts: 8,083 Member
    Do NOT let this get you down! (I feel the same at times, though.) You've been successful and are working towards your goals. Let the things you still want to improve be motivation, not the opposite! Congrats on how far you've come! Now, keep going!
  • trelm249
    trelm249 Posts: 777 Member
    We tend to be our own worse critics and others notice the changes quicker than we do.

    Be patient and persistent. Congratulations on the 20 pounds. That's basically losing 2 beagles.

    You are in the gym and doing the work. Enjoy the victories. The exercises are easier, you have more energy and feel better. Those are good things.
  • rompers16
    rompers16 Posts: 5,404 Member
    Use it to motivate you! If you do nothing, what will be different?
  • MaryTheIceCube
    MaryTheIceCube Posts: 1,099 Member
    Remember to focus on what you've achieved, what you're doing right now, and *not* how far you still have to go. I'm still learning this lesson, even after having lost 60lbs, and being the smallest I've ever been as an adult. I still see the imperfections, the extra 20 or so pounds that I still have to go. My mind wants to focus and latch on to how far I still have to go and how slowly I seem to be progressing, not fast enough for my need for instant results. I've come up with a phrase, or a mantra of sorts, for myself recently, that applies to any situation similar to this: "Trust the Process". Stay positive and focus on your progress..... you've done great so far. Don't give up now!
  • Do you have any pictures of yourself from before you started losing weight? See if you can find some, and compare them to how you look now! You'll see that you're looking better and better. I never noticed my progress until I found a photo of myself from before I started cutting, and the change became apparent.
  • zillah73
    zillah73 Posts: 505 Member
    Let me ask you something... what would make you more proud? Looking in a mirror and seeing sitting on a couch watching TV? Or looking in a mirror and seeing yourself working out? Focus on the good – and trust me, there is A LOT of good!
  • gertudejekyl
    gertudejekyl Posts: 386 Member
    As I exited the lady's locker room I would watch myself walk out in profile. "Rotund, ridiculous lady." I thought maybe I should start a blog by that name. It did not kill my motivation tho. I don't think that anymore ! Even tho I'm about 230 pounds. It looks better, not ridiculous. Stocky, chunky...not so stupid looking . You might have to lose 30 or 40 to look better :)
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    A day will come, soon, where you see yourself in the same mirror and have to do a double take when you see your new shape. Today sucked, but that day coming is worth fighting for, it will be so awesome. Keep at it, and that day WILL come!
  • kiane50
    kiane50 Posts: 69 Member
    Let me ask you something... what would make you more proud? Looking in a mirror and seeing sitting on a couch watching TV? Or looking in a mirror and seeing yourself working out? Focus on the good – and trust me, there is A LOT of good!
  • RhinestoneRocky
    RhinestoneRocky Posts: 124 Member
    Let me ask you something... what would make you more proud? Looking in a mirror and seeing sitting on a couch watching TV? Or looking in a mirror and seeing yourself working out? Focus on the good – and trust me, there is A LOT of good!

    ^ Such a fantastic outlook and definitely the right things to think about OP! You're doing wonderfully! Don't give up!
  • kiane50
    kiane50 Posts: 69 Member
    That a great post! Every time you look in the mirror you should be seeing all the things u r doing right!
  • Ed98043
    Ed98043 Posts: 1,333 Member
    Let me ask you something... what would make you more proud? Looking in a mirror and seeing sitting on a couch watching TV? Or looking in a mirror and seeing yourself working out? Focus on the good – and trust me, there is A LOT of good!

    That's actually not a bad idea to put a big mirror in front of the couch so I have to see myself sitting there like a giant slug with a remote control. lol
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,322 Member
    I know when i'm at the gym and I see a person working out who is overweight. I admire them and so does everyone else. You're in a place where people value exercise and they are supportive of what you are doing. Don't get down..I'm sure you're being way harder on yourself than anyone one else would dream of being.

    Be proud.. I can't wait until i can say i've lose 20 pounds like you.
  • Get your mental side lined up to your physical side, use that dissatisfied feeling to fuel you to your goal. All change takes time but believe me itwill payoff, just don't lose your focus.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    I know how you feel man. You're going in the right direction and you're just going to have to knuckle up and keep going. I felt the same way when I started out last year. Whenever i took my shirt off i saw how much work had to be done and didn't know if i could stay motivated enough to get into shape.

    So instead of looking at myself, I looked at images of the body I wanted to have when I got done. Basically that means I subscribed to a couple of fitness magazines and spent a lot of time in the success threads. Eventually I got to the point where I only saw myself as the finished product, kept working at it, and got to a place where I could start to see i was closer to the end than the beginning.

    Losing motivation sucks, but f*** motivation. I'll let you in on a secret. Motivation is for suckers. It's what people try to pin the blame on when they want to give up. Forget about being motivated and get dedicated. Dedication is what gets you to the finish line. Motivation comes and goes, but dedication answers the bell every single day.
  • lives21
    lives21 Posts: 78 Member
    I used to think that as well since the free weights are in an all mirrored area. The other day I was working my arms and there were a bunch of people in the gym (fit dudes included). I had been watching myself kill my triceps extensions and I felt like I was getting a couple looks and looking in the mirror I had just realized my arms probably (I'm sure) looked big. Eventually you'll either forget about it or use it to fuel your workouts or both.
  • nomorepizza2
    nomorepizza2 Posts: 85 Member
    I feel for you. I've only been using this site for a few weeks. I found it in desperation after losing 3 1/2 stones and plateau-ing, it's been a big help reading these message boards and hearing from other people in the same boat as me.
    Despite several people commenting on how much weight i've lost, I can't see it. I still look horrendous in the mirror. The scales don't lie, the tape measure doesn't lie, but that damn mirror taunts me. The only certainty I have is that, if I stop now and go back to my old ways then all this pain and self-denial would have been wasted.
    Trust the scales and the tape and the kind words of other people and avert your eyes when passing a mirror!