Moms who exercise in the AM... what is your schedule?



  • juliekaiser1988
    juliekaiser1988 Posts: 604 Member
    Weekdays I go to bed between 730-800 pm. Alarm is set for 0300. Everything is laid out and ready to go. I'm out the door and at the gym stretching by 0325 on the tread by 0330. Run 5K. Weight Lifting from 0405 until 0445. Drive home. Shower. Protein Shake. Head out for work at 0535. Work 0600-1430. Drive home. Prep everything for the next day. Cook supper. See the fam. Bed again at 7:30-8
  • robot_potato
    robot_potato Posts: 1,535 Member
    I either exercise in a.m. or late p.m. On a work day I get up at 4:30, exercise, get ready and leave by 5:40am. Home from work between 6-7pm, sometimes later, dinner, spend time with kids, bedtime routine, spend time with hubby, bed between 10-12.
    Or I will sleep in til 5am and work out before I go to sleep.

    Days off I sleep til 8 or 9 or until the kids get up. I work out while they play, or I wait until they go to bed. I go to bed around midnight, sometimes earlier.