Gadgets -- BodyMedia?



  • chadgard
    chadgard Posts: 102 Member

    Thank you! So informative and helpful with your real life experience with it. My daily routine also varies and I think I am much like you and will run around like a crazy lady at work some days and others I find myself barely moving around my desk.

    Glad to be helpful. I think folks like us, who have wildly varying activity levels in our daily lives, are probably the ones most benefited by a monitoring device. People who have more regimented, routine days that resemble each other can probably get all the info they need with just MFP, a scale, and some time, and so may find a monitor more of a novelty than helpful.
  • azrrt76
    azrrt76 Posts: 59 Member
    I've had my Bodymedia one week as of today and I love it! I love numbers and gadgets so its entertaining. And like a lot of you, I work long shifts and some days are way busier than others. One thing I learned is that I burn more calories by the end of the day when I have a crazy shift than I do if I'm having a day off and I do an hour long Insanity workout....not by much, but I do. I've started eating more on my work days and the scale has moved for the first time in awhile....could be coincidental. I'll take it!
  • karaelyn
    karaelyn Posts: 4 Member
    I've had the bodymedia Link now for 2 days, and I'm concerned about the differences between the burn mfp and bodymedia has for me generally being sedentary. (I know, it's only been two days).

    mfp has me burning about 1750/day, and eating 1500/day to lose .5 lb/ week.

    yesterday BodyMedia had me at 2200 cal/day, and I'm on track for the same today. I didn't do a workout, I just did things like grocery shopping. And I'm short and squat (5' 3"), so I'm having a hard time believing a burn that much. If I've been eating 1500 cal/day and have been "really" burning 2200 calories, why wouldn't I be losing a ton of weight?!

    Did anyone else have this problem? Thanks so much!
  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    I've had the bodymedia Link now for 2 days, and I'm concerned about the differences between the burn mfp and bodymedia has for me generally being sedentary. (I know, it's only been two days).

    mfp has me burning about 1750/day, and eating 1500/day to lose .5 lb/ week.

    yesterday BodyMedia had me at 2200 cal/day, and I'm on track for the same today. I didn't do a workout, I just did things like grocery shopping. And I'm short and squat (5' 3"), so I'm having a hard time believing a burn that much. If I've been eating 1500 cal/day and have been "really" burning 2200 calories, why wouldn't I be losing a ton of weight?!

    Did anyone else have this problem? Thanks so much!

    Bodymedia takes a few days to get accurate. It'll adjust a bit over the next couple days. In the instruction manual you talks about how the first 3-4 days the calories might be off slightly.
  • karaelyn
    karaelyn Posts: 4 Member
    Thank you so much! Guess I just have to learn a little patience :)
  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    Thank you so much! Guess I just have to learn a little patience :)

    It's all good. I had the same problem, the first day it said I burned like 4.9k calories.. I was like.. WHHHHAAAATTTTT (In the awesome borat voice!) Then it started dropping.. Down to around 3.6k which is about right around where I thought it would be.
  • kim4bs
    kim4bs Posts: 5 Member
    I bought BodyMedia and sent it back today. I'm using the Scosche Rhythm instead. I like the placement on my forearm better. It feels better during my Insanity workouts. I don't want to wear something all day or a chest strap. Bluetooth to my iPhone so I can see my heart rate on it & it keeps track of calories burned during the workout.
  • mscroutons
    I just got my Bodymedia yesterday and today was my first day of wearing it.

    I also had a Fitbit, but I had problems with keeping it clipped to my clothes. I always dropped it somewhere. Once in the toilet. The last time in a parking lot. I found it smushed and not working.

    I picked the Bodymedia because of the sensors that it had. It just seemed a lot more accurate than the Fitbit. The Fitbit is cool, but I think it's more of a pedometer.

    If you go to the Apps section in MFP, there is a coupon code to get 15% off a Bodymedia.

    So far today, I realized how much I need to move. Having full knowledge of how many calories I am burning, I feel like I am in better control of how much I should be eating.
  • katevarner
    katevarner Posts: 884 Member
    @karaelyn, you may be burning that much or even more. I'm 5'3" and I average 2250 calories burned per day, and I only weigh 110. When I started with BMF (and weighed 134), my goal was to burn 2150 per day and eat 1650. I lost about a pound a week doing just that. After 4 months, I upped my workouts, so upped my burn goal to 2350 and my calories to 1850 and still lost about a pound a week.

    That said, I agree that you should give it a couple of weeks to get used to you, but it's entirely possible that you aren't eating enough to fuel your workouts. MFP says I only need 1710 to maintain, and that's set at very active, so if it's telling you to eat 1750 to lose, you need to eat at least that much.

    OP, hope you love your BMF as much as I do!
  • karaelyn
    karaelyn Posts: 4 Member
    Thank you d2footballJRC and katevarner! It is actually very helpful to know that you are burning 2250 given our heights- and you weigh less than me, so maybe my burn is accurate so far! But I agree, I should give it a few weeks like d2footballJRC said.

    Thanks both :)
  • tifftheneutron
    Love my bodymedia. My only complaint is that I sometimes have issues with the Bluetooth, but once I get home and sync it on the computer, I can tell it is still working. I have had it about two weeks now.
  • Tash128
    Tash128 Posts: 66 Member
    I have had both, I like the body media because it gives you a much better break down of how many calories your burning. I find the fitbit tends to over estimate my calorie burn and it doesn't always count steps, I know that neither divide is asunder percent but if you are more interested in seeing a more accoutre account for how many calories you burn then go for the bodymedia. I had one about three years ago and used it a lot then lost it I just got the newer one about three weeks ago and love it. You can sync it with your phone and upload the data to their site, and it syncs with MFP which is awesome. You can also down load pdfs of your charts. the fitbit is basically a glorified pedometer, A very cool one but still it basically just counts steps, it monitors sleep but I don't think it is vary accurate.
    There is a new gadget coming out that looks so very cool it is basically the same as the bodymedia you where it on your wrist like the file band and up but this one has better sensors and is whiter proof. If can tell when you are swimming, walking, lifting weights, its really cool except its not out yet. It won't be out till June it's called Amiigo, looks really awesome if it will work as great as they say check it out

    But for what is out now Go for bodymedia right now they have a sale you get 15% to 20% off regular price so it's pretty comparable in price to fitbit, it's about $15 more. Get Bodymedia Link that one is the blue tooth one.
  • chadgard
    chadgard Posts: 102 Member
    Bodymedia takes a few days to get accurate. It'll adjust a bit over the next couple days. In the instruction manual you talks about how the first 3-4 days the calories might be off slightly.

    My first couple of days were also a little odd, like the manual says. But, at the same time, I have _never_ gotten a day as low as the MFP "sedentary" setting. I think by "sedentary" MFP means literally sitting at a desk all day, only moving to eat and go to the bathroom. You're shopping and such, so you're moving around (and you have to take more steps to get places if you have short legs). My weight loss since getting the Bodymedia has been very consistent with what you would expect with my net calories for the week (I track my -average- weight for each week, which smooths out the bumps associated with regular weight fluctuation), so I feel it's very accurate for me.

    As they say in the investment world, past performance is not a guarantee of future returns. It may not work for you, but I'm pretty confident it will if you give it a couple of weeks.
  • HaywireII
    HaywireII Posts: 71 Member

    There is a new gadget coming out that looks so very cool it is basically the same as the bodymedia you where it on your wrist like the file band and up but this one has better sensors and is whiter proof. If can tell when you are swimming, walking, lifting weights, its really cool except its not out yet. It won't be out till June it's called Amiigo, looks really awesome if it will work as great as they say check it out

    I have to say the Amiigo looks impressive (actually looks too good to be true). If that lives up to they hype when they ship them out I'll buy one for me and one for my wife. All of the data tracked on MFP and on the Body is helping to keep me motivated and that device looks like it would dump out a ton of data.
  • chellebublz
    chellebublz Posts: 568 Member
    I did alot of reading about both a few weeks back and decided on the BodyMedia because it seems to be more accurate. Alot of people trust it more than HRMs, I should get mine Tuesday so will see!
  • chellebublz
    chellebublz Posts: 568 Member
    That Amiigo looks amazing :) I think if I make my 35 MORE pounds by July goal I will reward myself with it xD
  • alandanziger
    alandanziger Posts: 5 Member
    Aw man, ANOTHER gadget I'll have to buy? :-)

    My big disappointment with the BodyMedia (I only got it yesterday, take this with a grain of salt) is that it isn't a heart rate monitor. I wanted that too.

    If the Amiigo does that, on top of everything the fitbit and bodymedia do, and syncs with MFP, I'll be handing down the other gadgets to my folks this summer! :-)
  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    Aw man, ANOTHER gadget I'll have to buy? :-)

    My big disappointment with the BodyMedia (I only got it yesterday, take this with a grain of salt) is that it isn't a heart rate monitor. I wanted that too.

    If the Amiigo does that, on top of everything the fitbit and bodymedia do, and syncs with MFP, I'll be handing down the other gadgets to my folks this summer! :-)

    I'm interested in the Amiigo as well, but one thing from what I've been reading is the Amiigo isn't an all day thing like the bodymedia from how they've worded things. It does have heart rate monitoring but I don't see a chest strap which interests me as well. I'm wondering if you are going to have to have a HRM strap from Polar or Garmin to use with it. It looks like a great device, I've been on the fence on pulling the trigger on it.
  • Alarista
    Alarista Posts: 77 Member
    It says that it the amiigo will track heart rate, but it doesn't say how. I'm a little skeptical of a product that doesn't tell me how it works and isn't out yet. I'm wondering if it will be similar to the Jawbone UP in that they will have to rework it before it really functions as promised.

    Also, does anyone know if you can connect a Bodymedia device to more than one service? Like I would like to sync it to my use here, however I would also like to sync it to earndit as well. And I've been scouring their website trying to figure out if it's doable.
  • aeich8899
    aeich8899 Posts: 55 Member
    it is I have mine synced to earndit, here, spark people, and everymove.