Drinking alcohol and losing weight?

Hey guys! Hopefully this caught all of you party animals attention ;) lol. So when I lost weight last year I stayed away from going out to dinners, bars, clubs etc. But of course, like all people in there 20's, I want to go out with my friends and being the DD is never fun. In your experience have you been successful in your weight loss journey while still going out maybe once a week? If so what kind of alcoholic beverages do you stick to? Obviously moderation is everything but since I started going out again I feel like even having a few drinks one night a week prevents me from losing weight. I'm committed to reaching my goal weight but I don't want to feel like I'm giving up my social life and be a complete hermit in the process.

PS... anyone want to be friends and motivate? :) A few of my friends have MFP but they don't regularly log/comment.


  • I have lost nearly 50 pounds while giving myself one free meal a week that always includes a few glasses of wine! My problem isn't the calories from the wine, it's the calories from all the food I nibble after the wine. So I make it my free meal and plan for it every week. When is was in my 20s I definitely drank a lot more, and that probably kept me from dropping those last five pounds. Now, anything more than.two glasses wipes me out, so I mix the wine with sparkling water and I am good for the night.
  • nicky9door18
    nicky9door18 Posts: 4 Member
    Hmm, good question, I doubt you could drink regularly and lose weight. Occasional drinking should be fine, especially when you are trying to maintain and not lose. There was a study in the paper last week that said mixing alcohol with diet drinks raises your breath alcohol, they think the calories in pop slows down absorption just like food does. Anyhow, I prefer light beer, wine and if I were to have a mixed drink, soda water is my preference. Lots of people like to eat junk after a night of drinking or eat terribly once they have a hangover. Bottom line is, like everything else, moderation is they key.
  • I've always been a relatively "skinny" person. My weakness is beer! I haven't been in the mood for it lately, nor any kind of alcohol. I can definitely feel it the next day! I drink plenty of water and pretend it never happened :)
  • Katrina090
    Katrina090 Posts: 32 Member
    I still go out, but I always make sure that if I'm going just for drinks I eat before I go out so I won't want a takeaway at the end of the night, and a drink a spirit with diet coke works out between (50-60 calories) a drink so just try and leave calories to spare :)
  • simon_rider
    simon_rider Posts: 14 Member
    I have found if you keep it to the odd glass or two and you eat a balanced diet, stick to your calories and exercise a few times a week then it hasn't harmed my progress, but I think everything in moderation is the key!
  • akj_25
    akj_25 Posts: 244 Member
    i drink about every other weekend (and usually includes not the healthiest foods). i have been losing 1-2 lbs per week this year (2013) and havn't given up my alcohol.

    -if i know i am going out this coming weekend i try to plan ahead. i eat really good healthy foods throughout the week, and stay to the low end of my calorie intake.
    -when i drink i try to stick to Vodka (the better quality stuff is less calories than bar rail) with a zero calorie mixer such as diet coke. - and i am not one that drinks 1-2 drinks and calls it a night :) -- have a glass of water between drinks it helps you pace a little and helps hangover, and helps avoid drunken munchies
    -the more i drink the more i make sure i move - do not sit on a barstool all night - try to find a place you can dance- which is a great cardio workout to burn off the calories.
    - the hardest and most critical part is controling the junk food intake after you have a buzz going, and the next day when you are hung over.

    most people on MFP will tell you not to drink, but when you have to live, just do it in moderation, and try to make a few better choices so not to derail your progress. have fun!
  • laurynwithawhy
    laurynwithawhy Posts: 385 Member
    I have a drink nearly every day and have had no problem losing weight. Even when I go out, I have no issues. The trick is to measure and log EVERYTHING. Then, you can make it fit into your calorie goals. At home I will usually have a glass of wine or a martini (Smirnoff just came out with some light flavored vodkas!). When going out I stick to vodka with soda water and a splash of cranberry, or beer (100-150 calories and is very filling and sippable, so you can stick to 1 or 2). Sometimes if I don't wanna drink but I want to party, I will drink tons of redbull. Not exactly healthy but it keeps me in the mood. Hope that helps!
  • trudijoy
    trudijoy Posts: 1,685 Member
    i drink a glass or two of wine 5 or so nights a week and the odd beer or vodka. I work it into my calories. I'm not willing to give up things i like, but i'm eating smarter. The second i tell myself i can't have something it's all over for me.

    I've lost 8 kilograms (about 18 lb) in 48 ish days, and that was including three big nights out....
  • lisa4you143
    lisa4you143 Posts: 49 Member
    Thanks everyone... your tips really help! I have a few friends birthday's coming up and now I won't have to deal with that awkward "how come you're not drinking?" conversation :drinker:

    Haha just couldn't resist putting in the "drinker" smiley
  • Sparkling wine is my new best friend and I'm learning to try and stay away from the calorie filled cocktails :)

    But if its an event i enjoy it!! I try not to drink throughout the week so i figure its ok now and then
  • trudijoy
    trudijoy Posts: 1,685 Member
    Sparkling wine is my new best friend and I'm learning to try and stay away from the calorie filled cocktails :)

    But if its an event i enjoy it!! I try not to drink throughout the week so i figure its ok now and then

    i seriously did the happy dance when i found out how much lower bubbly is than so many things!
  • jeets888
    jeets888 Posts: 2,237 Member
    I drink almost every friday - maybe something like 8 beers odd, maybe more and then there are the shooters, during the week a few lite beers as well if with friends. Im totally a social drinker but i definitely drink like an alcoholic during these social times lol.

    Just stick to a clean diet and lotsa excercise - so what if you over indulge every so often .... just remember we in it for the loooonnnngggg haul. Drastic measures (like total abstinence from alcohol) will yield drastic results but there is always that risk then of it all coming to bite you in the *kitten*!

    i say go on, live a little ... the fact that you asking this and that you on MFP is good signs that you got your s't under control!
  • I drink maybe once or twice a week, and for some reason alcohol has never hindered my weight loss.. It actually seems that I manage to lose more weight in the months that I drink alcohol, and in the months I don't drink my weight loss stalls.. Or it could be just dehydration, I don't know.. :) I just mostly stick to sparkling wine..
  • staceypunk
    staceypunk Posts: 924 Member
    I drink once or twice a month, and when I do I drink to excess. I'll have like 5-7 drinks in a night. I do try to make better decisions, like I gave up twisted teas altogether (like 200 calories each!) but sometimes drinking straight Jack can also be troublesome as I get wasted much quicker because I am not use to weighing as little as I do now. So, in answer to your question, yes I think you can go out a couple times a month and drink and party and eat out at a diner or whatever. I wouldn't do it every friday night though. And I always make sure to keep up with my workouts. Oddly enough I have been able to do vigorous exercise while hung over !
  • popsicklestar
    popsicklestar Posts: 166 Member
    I did a month of not drinking at all when I first started trying to lose weight, and that really kicked off my weight loss efforts. Now I try to limit my drinking to once a week or every other week. I usually go dancing when I go out, so the dancing burns some calories and that helps. I drink tequila on the rocks with fresh lime juice usually. Definitely stay away from mixers with sugar. I'm not a huge drinker anyway, so I usually only drink 1 to 3 drinks. I also usually know when I'll be going out, so I try to eat a less during the day, so I can fit the drinking calories in and stay within my goal.
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,749 Member
    While I know that drinking tends to inhibit weight loss it's not something I am cutting out of my diet. I try and make sure that it fits within my calories. If I imbibe and go over I don't really freak out about it.
  • Mmm... Vodka
  • jennibear22
    jennibear22 Posts: 95 Member
    I stick to Gin and slimline tonic with a slice of lemon/cucumber/lemon - fresh, not bloating and very low in cals.
  • Vodka crnberry
  • tammyclinch
    tammyclinch Posts: 103 Member
    I lost 47 pounds but i only drink once a month ..i pick a weekend and fri and sat i drink..try to stay in moderation but sometimes that doesnt work.. Rum and water with cystal light ..I Carry cystal light in my purse ask the bar tender to make it like she would a rum and coke but with water and i add cystal light...
    I also sometimes drink light beer Coors or bud