Feeling unwell during excercise

I am in my late 20's and for the past 6 years I have had issues with excercise. I cant do more than 5/10 minutes of cardio/high intensity without feeling dizzy, lightheaded, chest tigtens, out of breathe.

I am under 10 stone and my height is 5"1.

When I was younger I was a disco dancer so would train for 10 hours a week which was very fast paced and was fine. A few years ago I went to curves gym and they measure your heart rate every 10 minutes and mine was in the same range/level as a 50 year old when I was 23??

Last night I went to a class to give it another go and the same thing happened, felt really faint, dizzy, couldnt breathe and felt sick, this was only after 8 minutes in. My BMI is between 25-27 so I am "classed" as overweight but still, this shouldn't happen. I try my best and put everything in to it but my body seems to have different ideas.

I have around 15/20 lbs to loose and I have been "dieting" for a month now with only 2lbs loss so want to add in some excercise to try and speed this up.

I walked 5 miles at the weekend, no problem, really enjoyed it. Anyone else unable to do this high intensity cardio?

p.s I am going to the doc this morning to discuss this but would like to know your opinion as I dont want to get fobbed of, I really do think something is wrong with me.


  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    I was going to suggest visiting the doctor until I read the last line of your post.

    It does seem like something is not right, but not being a doctor, I'm in no position to say what it may be.

    I hope you get this cleared up, whatever it may be!
  • LeonnieH
    LeonnieH Posts: 209 Member
    You need to see a doctor for advice :) Do you know what your blood pressure is like and it might be an idea to wear a HRM during exercise to track what your heart rate is doing - perhaps you're pushing too hard too fast? But really see a doc first to get the all clear, good luck :)
  • nettip
    nettip Posts: 113 Member
    I had/have a few chest problems and the hospital were telling me it was asthma no from what you are saying and from what they were asking of my symptoms and matching to me to could be a type of asthma. chest tighting light headed dizzy only when doing cardio ?
  • paulahunter3
    I am just back from the doctor and she said there is nothing wrong with me and I am just trying to much to quick, which I get but when you are in a class of 30 were half the people are in the same boat as me (not excercised for a while) then how come out of all the class I am the only one who feels like this?

    She is sending me to the hospital for tests just to be sure but just thinks im doing to much.

    she checked my heart rate and blood pressure and all was fine.

    I have never been able to properly get into excercise because of this. If you watch like the biggest loser, people at 300lbs that have never excercised in there life can train hard at the gym for 4 hours, then why cant little 135lbs me cant? I went to running once a week a few years back and did it for about 4 months every week and still felt like this, but doc did say that running is high intensity.

    I just hope the hospital can find something wrong so then at least I know what to do what not to do.

    I think wearing a heard monitor would be good for me so I will pick one up although I dont see myself doing high intensity excercise in the near future, that feeling I had was horrible!

    Anyone know any low/medium intensity excercise I can do?
  • traceyjj
    traceyjj Posts: 406 Member
    Sorry to hear of your problems, I hope they soon get sorted.
    Anyone know any low/medium intensity excercise I can do?
    Just how intense are you doing? How about swimming?
  • paulahunter3
    i was doing Metafit, Combat and Running.
  • acogg
    acogg Posts: 1,870 Member
    I think it would help you to up your protein to 100 grams a day. That helped me immensely.
  • crabbok
    crabbok Posts: 66 Member

    I have never been able to properly get into excercise because of this. If you watch like the biggest loser, people at 300lbs that have never excercised in there life can train hard at the gym for 4 hours, then why cant little 135lbs me cant?

    DO NOT compare yourself to people on television. Please. Remember that you only see what the television producers WANT you to see. For all you know these people are crying, throwing up, passing out, and taking long breaks, every time the camera is not rolling, or there is heavy editing. It's not easy for anyone who is out of shape to start working out hard, so don't feel down about it. You are doing it and you are awesome for getting in shape. You can go a little slower if you need to, but don't ever feel bad about struggling, because just the fact that you are making the effort puts you miles ahead of where you used to be.
  • LernRach
    LernRach Posts: 286 Member
    I too have these problems... I am BMI 26 so quite similar to u. do u eat before you go to the gym? if yes, how long before? what do u eat? these are the kind of things i need to take into account. If I have not eaten, I often find myself blacked out on the floor!!!!

    ALso, I find that if I do hardcore cardio, I sit out for about 4/5 minutes before going onto something else. THere will be people here who will say that's not good etc, but it is only way I have found to exercise as hard as I want to, without ending up with ppl around me, force feeding me chocolate...

    Add me if u like, or inbox me and I'm happy to advise u further - I know exactly what u going thru hun, but it is possible to exercise despite all this, I promise...