Trying to make myself better :)

I have been trying to loose weight for awhile with minimal success here and there, I have had some success using this website in the past but always stopped for one reason or another. Now I am trying to get myself in better shape for my kids, my girlfriend and so i can be better in softball come spring/summer :).

I am trying to loose around 50 pounds and always looking for help to keep me on track.

Little bit about myself

I have a divorced father of 3 wonderful kids and have a amazing girlfriend

I love Video games (360 "xT1m3x" / PS3 "xT1m3x" / PC "Not sure my steam id but can get it") - You can feel free to add me on
these if you want to play together also.

I love softball and look forward to the spring coming up so i can get back into it and also getting warmer so i can get into running(I am not great at it but I enjoy it and want to start doing the C25K again).

I live in Maine and love it up here (Though driving in the winter always sucks).

Feel free to add me and hopefully we can help each other out.
