Question about breakfast casserole.

lucky1ns Posts: 358 Member
I made a breakfast casserole for some houseguests and as it turned out they were not breakfast eaters.

So I covered it and threw it in the freezer.

It was not yet cooked.

Do you think I can take it out, tahw it and cook it and it would still be good?

It has hashbrowns and raw eggs in it.

I bet I should have cooked it before I threw it in the freezer.


  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    I have friends who freeze their boxed egg whites until they use them, so I don't know why you can't do the same with the casserole.
  • arfletcher
    arfletcher Posts: 143
    It should be fine as long as it hasnt been in there for too long - you can freeze eggs out of shell and keep them for a while - I dont remember how long... And eggs cook safely with almost no heat in almost no time - so there should be no issue as long as it is cooked well!!