Anyone else have trouble keeping daily vitamins down?



  • placeboaddiction
    placeboaddiction Posts: 451 Member
    I have to do them with a meal or I just vomit. So its usually lunch time. I do alive!
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    Sometimes its the type. Some women's one a day made me sick. Some people are just sensitive. My friend takes child's vitamins because regular ones make her feel sick. Also you might consider not taking them. You don't need the persay.
  • DeanR321
    DeanR321 Posts: 57 Member
    feeling extreme nausea every time i take my multi-vitamin on an empty stomach. This is usually easily resolved by popping some food in my mouth. I've noticed, the higher the fat content of the food i eat, the faster the feeling goes away. So here is my educated physiology asnwer to this question.
    Nausea/vomitting is not well understood, but there are vomitting centers in your brainstem that respond both to chemoreceptors (toxins/allergies/etc) and to motion (from your ear).

    What happens when you eat a multivit, is you take a very large dose of essential ions, 'vital amines', and sometimes metals such as zinc and iron. all of these are necessary for your bodys daily use, but taken in large amounts set off toxin triggers in your brain.
    Eating food dilutes the effects of these more 'toxic' necessities and your brain doesn't see the amount you just ingested as harmful. I believe that some of these components are most likely fat soluble, and therefore eating something with some fat such as yogurt or cheese allows for even faster dilution of your multi vitamin.

    Hope that clears things up for some people! Everyone's bodies respond differently to different substances, hence the varied responses. Figure out what works for you and what doesn't. If you're still feeling sick even after eating, you're most likely especially sensitive and should switch to multi vitamins with lower doses (such as a child's vit taken twice a day) or consult your doctor on how to take these vitamins seperately so you don't feel sick.

  • pearljam1997
    pearljam1997 Posts: 13 Member
    I have this very same problem with most multi vits. I then talked to the person who worked at the natural food store and asked me if it was a one a day, yes it was. She said those tend to be very hard on the stomach, especially those hard tablet vits. So I switched to the Sisu brand multi, which is two capsules daily, and haven't had a problem. So I tried taking them both at the same time and still no issues what so ever. They are a bit pricier than the hard tablet big store brand but for no troubles I'll buy them. I can also take them on an empty stomach with no problems. I highly recommend trying a capsule type multi as opposed to the hard tablets.