No weight loss AT ALL after months????

I have been reading about a lot of people plateauing but I am wondering if anyone else has not lost weight at all. I gained several pounds for a while after I started and I am finally back down to where I started in January. Yes I eat a lot of protein. Yes I strength train. Yes, I mix up my workouts. Yes I guzzle water all day. I am under on my sodium. I have hardly been eating sugar. I upped my calories for a little bit to see if it would help. I eat my exercise calories. I just get to this number and it will not go down! I did go down the other day by .8 pounds, but it's right back up there again. I am so mad and so depressed right now. I have been trying so hard and it just doesn't seem worth it. I know I feel better, so it is worth it. I know I am healthier, but my measurements have not really changed at all either. I had my thyroid checked in Sept. and it was normal. I just am wondering if I am all alone out here. Has anyone else had this problem?


  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
    You know, bodies each function a little differently. There is no 1 answer for everyone!! Sounds like you gave the system a fair shake as it is set up - but it isn't working for you that way. (I am assuming that you accurately log everything!) So, now it is time to change something. Since you haven't lost weight eating your exercise (again, assuming that you eat all of them) maybe try eating 1/2 of them for a month. See if that brings the desired results. Most people here who lose significant amounts of weight eat 1/2 to most of their exercise calories, but some have to eat a little less.

    I've been back since I regained all my weight last fall and haven't managed to show a loss on my ticker - and keep it. But that is my fault! I can't seem to keep it together and find my sweet spot. Good luck!
  • marii92
    marii92 Posts: 77
    That happened to me. So I entered my weight as 143 (that's what it was when I gained after all the hard work), and now I'm on 138 (where I started), but seeing the '4lbs lost' on the left side of my homepage keeps me going. I was soo ready to quit and give up because it is really frustrating. But now I'm slowly losing inches.
    Try lowering your calories (unless you eat 1200 a day, then don't). And if that doesn't work, try low carb or maybe a liquid fast for a day or two...

    =] Best of luck.
  • Murdog
    Murdog Posts: 70
    Hello elizabennett, I've been trying for several weeks now. I've lost 5 pounds before I started on this site. However, I've only went another three pounds as of last Thursday. I weigh in tomorrow. We'll see if I went down anymore. It certainly doesn't feel like it.

    I know it's got to be hard. But, please--hang in there. I don't mean to sound generic, but--it is SOOOO worth it to stay in it. Your fitness has got to be improving. Just keep doing it.
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    Are you leaving a lot of extra calories? If you do, try not to make a habit of it, because 1 of 3 things is happening: you're not getting enough nutrients because of the lack of calories you're eating (or just the excessive amount burned off), you're overestimating how many calories you're burning, or you're working out too hard and your body is holding onto everything, trying to recuperate from the vigorous training you're putting it through.

    Try eating more of your exercise calories or finding a second opinion on how many calories you're really burning.

    Do you get adequate sleep? Do you eat fruits & veggies?
  • mesa4
    mesa4 Posts: 21 Member
    I was stuck for over 3 weeks and yes I felt like giving up but I know I can be smarter than this and figure it out. I ate out a couple of times last week and later in the week I finally lost another pound or so. I hope it continues for me. Some people do say to kind of go back to your regular way of eating for a day or so , and then go back to your regular calorie limit to see if that helps.
  • mesa4
    mesa4 Posts: 21 Member
    I was stuck for over 3 weeks and yes I felt like giving up but I know I can be smarter than this and figure it out. I ate out a couple of times last week and later in the week I finally lost another pound or so. I hope it continues for me. Some people do say to kind of go back to your regular way of eating for a day or so , and then go back to your regular calorie limit to see if that helps.
  • lucky1ns
    lucky1ns Posts: 358 Member
    Hello elizabennett, I've been trying for several weeks now. I've lost 5 pounds before I started on this site. However, I've only went another three pounds as of last Thursday. I weigh in tomorrow. We'll see if I went down anymore. It certainly doesn't feel like it.

    I know it's got to be hard. But, please--hang in there. I don't mean to sound generic, but--it is SOOOO worth it to stay in it. Your fitness has got to be improving. Just keep doing it.

    3 pounds is alot. 12 sticks of butter.

    Way to go!
  • Sunsh1ne
    Sunsh1ne Posts: 879 Member
    Maybe because you are strength training, you are not seeing losses because you are building muscle tissue, and increasing glycogen stores. Try backing off the strength training and focusing on cardio for a week or so, and see if that helps? I know I saw my weight loss stop when I started strength training, although it started again after a while, but I was never training that hard.
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    Yes, and I'm still struggling with finding the solution. I ate 1200 calories for a month or two until the weight loss stopped (was probably mostly water), then upped my calories, then zig zagged, then upped ithem again, then quit working out for a month, then had my metabolism tested (02/14). Turned out my RMR was much, MUCH higher than what I was eating, even on my worst cheat days - 1800. So for the last 6 weeks, I've been eating at RMR = 1800 per day plus exercise calories. Haven't gained OR lost an oz....sheesh. (Or inch....yes, I measure).

    So starting next week, I'm going to go very low carb for a short period of time - two weeks? And see if my carb intake is affecting my weight loss. I'm only at 40% carbs anyway, but hey...maybe it will jump start things. I really have tried to do this the right way and am feeling your pain at the lack of results.
  • mfegan
    mfegan Posts: 6
    I had a lot of trouble until I cut back on my carb intake. The 40 carb/30 protein/30 good fat helped me lose the 35 before I joined this site. Maybe give that a try to see if it will get you going.
  • elizabennett
    I did do phase one of Southbeach hoping it would help jump start things. That's when I got back down to my starting weight. Right now I have my ratios at 35% protein/35% carbs/30% fat. I get the fat from things like almonds and oil/vinegar dressings. Healthy. I just don't get it. I am trying really hard to follow it all the time. I had my calories set at 1200 which MFP suggested originally. My hubby suggested it wasn't enough so I have been doing between 1300 and 1400 lately. I try to eat most of my exercise calories like they say, but I can't always get them all in all the time, but I eat at least half. I mean, it's been months now. Since January. I'm not even losing a pound a month. I'm not losing anything! AGGGGHHHH! I don't think I am overtraining my body with workouts, but I do think I have a healthy mix of cardio, strength and yoga. I record my calories burned off of my Polar F6 HRM, minus the calories I would have burned in that time period doing nothing. Sorry about venting. I appreciate all of your help and suggestions!
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    Wish someone could tell us what's wrong. It's highly frustrating to be eating right and working out and see zero results in the weight department.

    I don't drink (alcohol or soda). I don't smoke. I don't eat fast food. I eat mostly whole, organic foods. I eat a snack between my main meals to keep my metabolism revved. I log everything. Even cheats. I work out 6 days a week, alternating various types of cardio with strength training. I get 7 hrs of sleep a night. I watch my sodium. I drink plenty of water. And I've had my metabolism professionally tested.

    What else is there?
  • hooah_mj
    hooah_mj Posts: 1,004 Member
    You're hitting all the right #s...there's only one I did not see...HEART RATE
    DEPENDING on all your factors...
    with mine, I see great results when I follow all you've done, PLUS a heart rate of 150 for 30 - 40 minutes x 3 - 4 days a week.
    It works...good luck, you can do it!

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • karmasBFF
    karmasBFF Posts: 699 Member
    You're hitting all the right #s...there's only one I did not see...HEART RATE
    DEPENDING on all your factors...
    with mine, I see great results when I follow all you've done, PLUS a heart rate of 150 for 30 - 40 minutes x 3 - 4 days a week.
    It works...good luck, you can do it!

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter

    Im not sure what you mean by this; can you please elaborate?
  • Johnnyswife
    Johnnyswife Posts: 1,447 Member
    Maybe you might want to make an appointment with your doctor? Just to make sure everything is okay. Its weird that your not losing weight...are you taking measurements?
  • hooah_mj
    hooah_mj Posts: 1,004 Member
    You're hitting all the right #s...there's only one I did not see...HEART RATE
    DEPENDING on all your factors...
    with mine, I see great results when I follow all you've done, PLUS a heart rate of 150 for 30 - 40 minutes x 3 - 4 days a week.
    It works...good luck, you can do it!

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter

    Im not sure what you mean by this; can you please elaborate?

    To maximize weight loss, I keep to the upper end of my Target Heart Rate and up to my Maximum. See AHA website for table.

    at my age and fitness level, I keep my heart rate (beats per minute) betw’ 150 – 170 for 30 to 40 minutes…
    in order to see any drop in weight… Even 20 minutes helps.

    ….it’s not pretty, but it’s the only thing that works for me.
    I’m not into any extreme diets or fads…just the basics.

    Be good to yourself.
    You can do it!