Gluten Free Pasta



  • jillybeanpuff
    jillybeanpuff Posts: 144 Member

    I'm gluten free because of a serious allergy and possible celiac disease. Though I haven't been tested, I know that eating wheat gives me all the symptoms you described as well as migraine headaches. Though it seems to be popular for everyone to be eating GF now , mainly because of outspoknn advocates and bloggers, the payoff for we who to have to eat this way is more awareness in the general public, more foods available on the grocery shelves and in restaurants. Because many of these foods are very nutritous and delicious, especially home-cooked ones, I wouldn't say it was silly to eat that way, even f you have a choice.


    It is NOT an allergy! Go see a doctor and have them explain it to you please.

    you can have a wheat allergy or a gluten intolerance and not have Celiac's. I have a severe wheat/gluten allergy, so much so that I carry an EpiPen, but I do NOT have Celiac's. If eating wheat gives you these symptoms, best to stay away
  • jillybeanpuff
    jillybeanpuff Posts: 144 Member
    And to the OP, eating truly GF is difficult and not particularly fun. I wouldn't suggest worrying about it unless you have a medical reason to. Gluten and carbs have nothing to do with each other. And GF products in the grocery store are more expensive and full of crap and preservatives. I gained weight when I went GF because I ate all that stuff. Its not good for you.
  • WillowWindow
    WillowWindow Posts: 100 Member
    I think the people posting after me explained it well. I have a serious wheat allergy that causes migraines, intestinal symptoms and severe eczema. Perhaps YOU should go and educate yourself and stop being so defensive.