Sodium... SUCKS!!!



  • arfletcher
    arfletcher Posts: 143
    I cut down on my sodium a couple of years ago - I was putting salt on EVERYTHING and have an aunt with Kidney disease and since I am like her (physically) in too many ways - I decided that it just isnt worth it! We basically dont eat/buy premade foods - Even canned beans - we make our own. Leftover's from dinner for lunch the next day takes pre-made/frozen meals right out of the mix - and oatmeal for breakfast helps with that. I very rarely add salt to anything at all anymore and I make almost everything in our home from scratch... One thing that I recently found out that KILLED me was that an 8oz steak at the Keg has over 3800mg of sodium in it! They use meat tenderizers on everything - So there are hidden sodiums in all sorts of places!
  • mommyhof3
    mommyhof3 Posts: 551 Member
    Sodium is crazy. I was eating 1% cottage cheese and 4 baby dill pickles for lunch and then noticed that that was almost my entire day of sodium. I struggle with sodium. I am good for fat and calories but yikes! Sodium gets me :mad: