How often should I weigh? Weekly? Daily? Bi-weekly? Just curious.


  • lucky1ns
    lucky1ns Posts: 358 Member
    I check each morning even though I am told I shouldnt. But I only log once a week.

    I have been using weightchart.com in combination with MFP.

    I weigh in there (and here too) and I can chart it weekly it monthly or daily or however I choose.

    What has helped me the most is their "milestones" feature.

    I created my goals on a weekly basis for a whole year.

    I picked friday as my weigh in day and I went into their system and deducted a pound a week off my start weight for every friday of this year as the milestone I was shooting for.

    What this did was make me accountable.

    I picked the more challenging weeks like vacations, holidays and visitors that I know of ahead of time and gave myself a little break those weeks.

    Every monday if I know I overdid it on the weekend, I know I only have 4 days left to make my goal.

    Some weeks I dont make my goal so I try extra hard over the weekend a usually make it by the following monday.

    I swear the push I make on Wed and Thurs just to have success by friday has been the key to my success so far.

    I see those numbers in writing and I know I just have to make it or the computer tells me I didnt and it just ticks me off!

    Or it will tell me that my milestones for the next several weeks are "difficult" to attain so I kick into high gear and get a pound ahead of my goal just to see it change it's mind.

    I know it sounds crazy but it seems to keep me accountable to myself and it's working!
    Edited by lucky1ns on Tue 03/30/10 12:40 PM
  • StarryEyedGirl
    I weigh myself everyday but only log in once a week. doing it everyday can be compulsive but it helps me to see how different foods affect me and sodium as well. I only take measurements once a month.
  • shanerylee
    shanerylee Posts: 298 Member
    every time I feel skinnier :)
    every couple of days
  • KaeChelle
    KaeChelle Posts: 576
    For me, weighing weekly works best because day to day there are so many fluctuations. I weigh myself the same time once a week.
  • LongMom
    LongMom Posts: 408 Member
    There is no "rule", but weighing in everyday doesn't work for everyone :) Myself, it drives me insane. If I've had a bad day and the scale is up, I get really grumpy and upset with myself. I almost feel obsessive the following day needing to get the lbs off NOW.

    For others, it's a motivator and an indication of where exactly they went "wrong" that week.

    My advice, experiment and see what works for you!
  • tmwebb
    tmwebb Posts: 21
    I weigh every Saturday morning
  • enromero
    enromero Posts: 104
    I weigh every monday morning...helps me control my eating through the weekend :-)

  • MercuryBlue
    MercuryBlue Posts: 886 Member
    Depends on how you can handle your weigh-ins. If you're one of those people who freak out at every little fluctuation, weigh yourself every week or two weeks, or even every month.

    If you want to learn more about your body and how different factors can affect weight gain, go ahead and weigh yourself every day. I weigh myself every day, several times a day. It's interesting to see what happens do my weight when I wear different things, eat different things, when different things are happening to my body. I've found it educational.

    However, I only LOG my weight once a week. I weigh in every monday morning, after using the bathroom, before eating and taking a shower, in my underwear. That's the weight I record here at MFP.