UK based, not too much weight to lose - who's with me?

Hi - I don't have much weight to lose - I'm not overweight really, I've just been a bit lax with my eating and fitness and have put on a few pounds and gone up a clothes size. I just don't want to let myself go - we all want to look good on the beach right?

Trouble is, when you only have a few pounds to lose no one will take you seriously and everyone thinks you're being stupid for counting calories.

I would like to be friends with other UK girls in my situation - other countries welcome too of course, but but it's good to be friends with people from here as we have access to the same foods from the same supermarkets and brands.

I am also really into fitness - I do Spinning, Bodypump, suspension bodyweight training, pilates sometimes and swimming.

My diary is open, I love to see others's food diaries too for inspiration and also would welcome any feedback on mine.

thanks :)


  • garyobesedeleted
    garyobesedeleted Posts: 117 Member
    Six weeks to OMG
  • kingofcrunk
    kingofcrunk Posts: 372 Member
    I'm basically at my goalweight but I may try to lose a few more pounds. Feel free to add me for support etc! xx
  • EmmaKarney
    EmmaKarney Posts: 690 Member
    I think it will take me longer than 6 weeks to lose 12lb!

    It comes off slowly when you don't have much to lose. Struggling to even get a whole pound off in a week at the moment and this is sticking to 1200 net with 3-4 exercise sessions per week.