Cold Turkey?

How many out there went cold turkey when it came to changing their eating and if so, how long until you introduced some of the foods you ate before back into your diet?

I chose to go cold turkey Thanksgiving weekend 2012 and am down 30 lbs. since. It was more like a flip of a switch making the decision. Hardest thing was admitting that I needed to try being this severe. So far, so good! Feel great- with little/no cravings!


  • danimalkeys
    danimalkeys Posts: 982 Member
    I did. I cut out pasta, potatoes, most of the rice. No sweet tea. Cut my coffee sugar down to 1/4 of what I was using. Cheese, cut my eggs down to about 1/3 of what I ate. Went from whole mile to 1%.

    After I dropped the 1st 50lbs, I started to eat a little of the things I had cut out and a little more of what I had reduced (except for milk and coffee sugar).
  • bluskies01
    bluskies01 Posts: 72 Member
    I went cold turkey bc it was for medical reasons. I ate an extremely bland diet for 2 weeks and then tried to introduce some things after that. I found that my taste was super sensitive so I honestly didn't even want a lot of things that I used to eat. Thanks taste buds lol. Now I see commercials for certain things and I think they look disgusting, and it's only been a month. I really thought I would have cravings but I don't. I really just crave the healthy things that I can't have. Like I thought I would miss chocolate, but I find myself missing tomatoes.
  • spade117
    spade117 Posts: 2,466 Member
    I eat cold turkey.
  • NChiz
    NChiz Posts: 15 Member
    ha! I do too. lol
  • NChiz
    NChiz Posts: 15 Member
    better that you're craving good things over bad things.

    I don't miss the chocolate/candy either. I made it through the holiday season- numerous parties with goodies tempting me left and right- no cravings. Found it quite easy to ignore. :smile: