Is it possible to lose weight but not do it eating healthy?



  • EmmaJean7
    EmmaJean7 Posts: 163 Member
    Eating unhealthy will be reaped later in life. Heart disease/cancer is I think the #1 leading cause in the US of men and women.. and its do to poor health because as a culture we eat crap!
  • lizlkbg
    lizlkbg Posts: 566
    I have been on a diet for about 5 weeks.
    I have lost 13 pounds so far, normally I don't do it healthy, meaning I have atlest 3 cheat days a week.
    But I always follow calorie intake, so If I consume 1,000 calories, I atlest burn 700-800 at the gym

    Is it fine to lose weight by not eating health foods?

    My opinion: you can lose weight this way, but you will not maintain that loss. Your body will be wanting more nutrition, and you will not feel satisfied, which will lead to more cheating.

    Plus, is the result you want to be a skinny, unhealthy person?
  • BarackMeLikeAHurricane
    Yes, there was someone on Reddit that did a "dirty cut" by only eating pizza he would let himself eat normal food on the weekends but during the week it was only pizza and chocolate milk. He lost weight doing it.

    After I bulk up I'm doing a similar experiment but I'll only be eating french toast.

    Lol, good plan. I really do wanna be healthy not only inside but out, but I just can't fathom letting go all my foods.

    If you want to be totally healthy you need to change your diet. Eat healthy foods. You do not have to totally cut out all the foods you used to love and eat. Just eat less of them. Have one cookie instead of four... have one slice of pizza instead of half the pizza... have a small order of fries instead of a large.. etc.
    The point of my future french toast only diet will just be as an experiment and because it'll be funny when I look super cut and people say "you look great, what did you do" and I'll get to reply "I only ate french toast" lol.
  • carnard_p
    I have been on a diet for about 5 weeks.
    I have lost 13 pounds so far, normally I don't do it healthy, meaning I have atlest 3 cheat days a week.
    But I always follow calorie intake, so If I consume 1,000 calories, I atlest burn 700-800 at the gym

    Is it fine to lose weight by not eating health foods?

    My opinion: you can lose weight this way, but you will not maintain that loss. Your body will be wanting more nutrition, and you will not feel satisfied, which will lead to more cheating.

    Plus, is the result you want to be a skinny, unhealthy person?

    Not skinny, I actually wanna be kinda buff. Maybe not buff, more cut.
  • waldo56
    waldo56 Posts: 1,861 Member
    The healthyness of food depends greatly on your point of view, and is a largely meaningless term.

    If your diet is causing you to be healhier than you currently are, it is a healthy diet, and everything that you eat as part of that healthy diet is health food. Now you may need to continue to refine your diet over time so it improves/maintains your health.


    It is possible to eat a terribly unhealthy diet while eating only health food
    It is possible to eat a healhty diet while eating mostly food that is seen as unhealthy

    Face it, aside for a few things like raw carrots and zuccini, there is at least a faction out there that considers everything else unhealthy. And eating a diet of only the foods that are universally agreed apon to be healthy...will kill you fast, it simply doesn't have the macronutrient levels to sustain a human.
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    Low carbers even have to avid carrots and zucchini.