Is there a need for exercise?



  • MeganG12345
    MeganG12345 Posts: 66 Member
    Nope, no need at all. That is, if you don't mind being skinny and unhealthy instead of fat and unhealthy.

    Don't we get enough snark and judgment other places without getting it here too?
    Didn't anyone tell you jimmie65 is the be all and end of judge of us all. He has all the answers and is really worth listening too. Shame on you for questioning his wise judgement. SHAME!

    LOL. My mistake!

    My apologies for offending you. Feel free to let the OP know they can lose weight without exercising. Make sure you leave out any mention of any negative effects of doing so. I defer to your greater judgment.

    I wasn't offended. Just questioning the your choice to offer snark instead of helpful advice or support.