Logging on Valentines Day



  • rumplesnat
    I logged everything today...including the extra workout I just did and the pecan bark I ate right after I got done! :o)
  • majope
    majope Posts: 1,325 Member
    I wasn't planning on going out to eat, but my husband came home and wanted to. Since I hadn't budgeted for it, I went over for today. But yes, I logged it as best as I could figure, and am not worried about it.
  • BarackMeLikeAHurricane
    I don't care if it's Valentine's day, thanksgiving, Christmas, or my birthday. I log every day. Also, I go to the gym on all of those days, too. My body doesn't know what day it is. Strong and lean > everything.
  • missmince
    missmince Posts: 76 Member
    I'd log it if I knew, but getting nutritional info about food you eat out is difficult. My local pastry store doesn't list it, and probably a lot of people are dealing with the same issue.
  • CristinaL1983
    CristinaL1983 Posts: 1,119 Member
    I've been under by 100 cal/day for the past 4 days so I'm going to be over today by about 400 cal. I knew it was coming because my daughter gets a bunch of candy for Valentines and likes to share. It hurts her feelings if I don't accept her "gifts" whatever they may be so I planned to be able to go over today. I'm logging everything of course so that my weekly average is on target.
  • majope
    majope Posts: 1,325 Member
    I'd log it if I knew, but getting nutritional info about food you eat out is difficult. My local pastry store doesn't list it, and probably a lot of people are dealing with the same issue.
    There's almost certainly something similar in the database. Pick something you think is close and log it.