Need Assistance....

An interesting thing has been happening with my weight the past few weeks. MFP calculates that my daily calorie goal is 1,630 per day. I am 43, 221 Lbs and 5'-10" with based on losing 1-1/2-lbs per week.

I am typically within 200 calories of my goal daily, however, i do not count my exercise calories burned, which are typically 400 to 500 per day from running. Typically, if i count those calories then i am always way below my allowable limit.

However, my weight for the past few weeks has not been losing as much as i would have thought, only about a 1-Lb or so and has extreme fluctuation during the week??

By my math:

Just in running alone, if 3,500 is a Lb and I am running 400 Cal per day = 2,800 cal just from exercise alone. On average i am another 200 x 7 under my calorie goal, which is another 1,400. with that being combined with exercising a total deficit of 4,200 calories per week. Totally 1.2 Lbs.

The Goal of 1,630 already takes into account losing 1-1/2 Lbs per week. Therefore, by math i should be losing approx 2.7 Lbs per week.

What is going on??

- Am i building muscle, which weighs more that fat and is this accounting for the difference?
- Am i eating too little and in starvation mode?
- Is it a combination of both items?

Please help so I can get back on the path of losing weight again...


  • Greenrun99
    Greenrun99 Posts: 2,065 Member

    What is going on??

    - Am i building muscle, which weighs more that fat and is this accounting for the difference?
    - Am i eating too little and in starvation mode?
    - Is it a combination of both items?

    Ya know I wish we could just tell our bodies, hey by the math you should be losing weight! Shape up!!! Ya doesn't work like that.

    Are you building muscle, No not in a deficit. You are eating too little, eat your exercise calories.. its more likely your eating. Too big of a deficit can result in slow/stopped progress. Your a guy eating 1600 calories and exercising.. I am thinking 2100 calories.
  • Camille0502
    Camille0502 Posts: 311 Member
    I'm in about the same boat as you. I'm baffled. I recently manually changed my daily caloric goal to 1300 calories plus I eat back all my exercise calories. But my weight loss is at a stand still. Actually - I lose one then gain it back and I have been having that happen since after the holidays. Hopefully, someone gives you some advice that I can also use!

    I, too, know I am building muscle - but I'm smart enough to know that it doesn't build up that fast (I am female) so I am not replacing muscle with lost fat!
  • angleu
    angleu Posts: 140 Member
    Muscle does not weigh more then fat, it just takes up less space. That being said you are not in starvation mode but MFP is designed to work with you eating your exercise calories back. And if you are within 200 calories most days of your goal then some days you are eating around 1400 on top of working about your are probably netting 1k calories on any given day..My suggestion is to get a heart rate monitor so you know exactly what you need to be eating back..

    Weight loss is not going be the same each week and certain things can make you hold on to water like high days of sodium and a hard work out so your muscles can retain water, Just keep it up, get that Heart rate monitor. Healthy weight loss is about 1lb a week. Unfortunately slow and steady wins the race..
  • angleu
    angleu Posts: 140 Member
    I, too, know I am building muscle - but I'm smart enough to know that it doesn't build up that fast (I am female) so I am not replacing muscle with lost fat!

    You cannot "build" muscle while eating at a calorie deficit. And cardo does not build muscle. But you can by weight lifting keep your body from losing muscle while losing weight =)
  • Jbarbo01
    Jbarbo01 Posts: 240 Member
    You are never putting on muscle within weeks of losing weight. That's a myth. People like to pretend weight loss is basic math but its not. Just be patient. I lose anywhere from 2.5 lbs to .5 lbs a week. It adds up over time, just keep with it and understand exercise is for health but your diet is what really works wonders on the scale.
  • Goal_Line
    Goal_Line Posts: 474 Member
    Here is my advise. Relax keep doing what you are doing. Weight loss is not linear. I went thorough weeks like yours and then suddenly dropped 4 lbs in a day. i was burring fat all the time, but my weight was not dropping due to other factors (water, constipation, whatever).

    I doubt it is muscle increase. The really is in a deficit you are losing muscle. - Make sure you get plenty of protean to inhibit muscle loss, and eat cals back if you are hungry. My rule is if hungry eat cals back if not don't.

    Relax keep it up. Feel free to contact me if you want, I've been where you are at.
  • foleyshirley
    foleyshirley Posts: 1,043 Member
    Try bumping up your calories (100-200) for several weeks and see if that gets things moving. You may not be eating enough.
  • coolcat190969
    Thanks Everyone. I am still going forward. I will try to eat my calories back, but only if I am hungry. If not hungry, I don't plan to eat just to eat, that just doesn't make sense. I will also continue to exercise as I am, because that is healthy regardless of the weight loss.
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    1650 food-500 exercise only leaves you with 1150 net calories. You are eating way below what you should be eating. Your body doesn't like it so hold onto everything and doesn't want to allow you to lose. Yes if you eat your exercise calories back or at least most of them you'll start losing but it may not happen straight away. Give it a few weeks as to adjust to being properly fed again.