Getting bored at the gym.. need suggestions



  • copelvb
    Try this cardio workout:

    Start by doing one body-weight squat and 10 pushups. Rest for 30 seconds, and then do 2 squats and 9 pushups. Gradually work your way up to 10 squats and down to 1 pushup. You'll complete 55 reps of each exercise by the time you're done—and reap both the cardiovascular benefit of aerobic training and the muscular pump of a strength session.

    There are also some pretty neat phone apps out there for exercise routines. Let me know if there is one in particular you like most. I just started one call the Gym Pocket guide it seems pretty decent so far.
  • nicolelynn1227
    nicolelynn1227 Posts: 15 Member
    I find it rather hard to be bored when I am lifting amounts that make me feel like I could die at any moment. If you're bored when lifting weights, you could increase the weight, or cut your rests between sets to under a minute, or both.

    This. Most people that are getting bored aren't improving their lifts. If you're using the same 12 lb dumbbell for a year and not seeing changes in your body, you're going to get bored. Once you start hitting new maxes and seeing changes, you become addicted, not bored.

    No, I don't have an issue increasing weight. It's just doing the same type of workouts. I've seen some pretty good suggestions though. I love going to work out- I was just looking for some new things to do there.
  • nicolelynn1227
    nicolelynn1227 Posts: 15 Member
    Try this cardio workout:

    Start by doing one body-weight squat and 10 pushups. Rest for 30 seconds, and then do 2 squats and 9 pushups. Gradually work your way up to 10 squats and down to 1 pushup. You'll complete 55 reps of each exercise by the time you're done—and reap both the cardiovascular benefit of aerobic training and the muscular pump of a strength session.

    There are also some pretty neat phone apps out there for exercise routines. Let me know if there is one in particular you like most. I just started one call the Gym Pocket guide it seems pretty decent so far.

    Oh, that sounds like a good one. Push-ups are the devil. lol I'll have to give that a try. Thanks!
  • Lecterman
    Lecterman Posts: 97 Member
    Take up Jiu Jitsu....I promise you will not get bored :)
  • nicolelynn1227
    nicolelynn1227 Posts: 15 Member
    Have you considered taking classes at your gym? I've done spin classes, pilates, turbokick, strength training and ab classes. Depending on your instructor they can be fun and a great workout. Or joining a different type of gym if possible? Like a yoga studio, pure barre, crossfit, boot camp, etc. A lot of those types of places typically have punch passes where you can pay for a pass and go 5,10,15 times. It's a good way to mix things up a bit. Also, I like to use DVDs on days I don't feel like running or going to a class. Jillian Michaels has some great ones (banish fat boost metabolism, no more trouble zones, body revolution, extreme shed and shred to name a few). This youtube channel has some great workouts that require no equipment are typically 20 minutes or less and will have your chest burning and your body feeling like jello lol.

    Hopefully one of these suggestions will help :)

    My gym does have classes, from what I hear, great ones too. I'm a night owl when it comes to working out and the classes are over by then. I really do need to just suck it up and go earlier to get some in. I'm thinking of picking up some new Jillian dvds for days I can't make it to the gym. Any particular one you felt gave you the best results?
  • nicolelynn1227
    nicolelynn1227 Posts: 15 Member
    Set yourself a triathalon challenge. Go on a Sunday morning or whenever it is quiet and do a run (5k), cycle (10k) and row (3k). Do this every couple of weeks and try to reduce your time. Gives you something to work towards and you can do each one individually during the week (so try and improve your rowing one day, running the next, cycling the next).

    Mix in intervals to each "training session" and soon you have a full-on triathalon training plan.

    Damn, sounds so good I want to do it again!

    I've been thinking of a training for a 5k, I should probably try that first. LOL Thanks!
  • nicolelynn1227
    nicolelynn1227 Posts: 15 Member
    I am a lover of music, so as long as I have fun music blasting in my ears ... I don't seem to get bored! That is the only way I can refrain from boredom. If I didn't have music in my ears, my attention span would go floating away, and my brain would demand I do something else. lol.

    I don't think I'd survive a workout at all without music. I'm right there with you. I was just basically posting for some new ideas. Something to switch it up. I've gotten some good suggestions.
  • nicolelynn1227
    nicolelynn1227 Posts: 15 Member
    Thanks everyone for the suggestions! I'm going to look into quite few of them. I just like seeing what others do that they find effective, and I was looking for some new things to do to keep things fresh.
  • Hezzietiger1
    Hezzietiger1 Posts: 1,256 Member
    join a class...

    I'd go with something functional or crossfit. Never ever boring.
  • clover5
    clover5 Posts: 1,643 Member
    Get outside! That's where the fresh air and the fun is.
  • laurenmanderson1
    laurenmanderson1 Posts: 113 Member
    I would definitely join a class because they are always different!

    If you are really looking for a challenge I would try boxing. A lot of people think that when you box you have to actually fight people, but there are a lot of different kinds of boxing gyms out there. Look for something that is more fitness oriented than fighting if you are not into that. I started going to a boxing fitness class about 6 months ago and it is amazing! I started going once a week and now I'm up to 3 or 4. My body was totally transformed! It is a full body work out as strength training goes and it is the best cardio workout I've ever done, and I was in every sport possible when I was younger. There are women there that are in their late 30s and look like they are in their 20s.
  • Bridget0927
    Bridget0927 Posts: 438 Member
    Why don't you take a friend? I go with a friend/ training partner... we make lots of fun at each other whilst there :noway: ...
    Or perhaps try another gym for a while, new surroundings etc...

    Honestly, I'm the only one of my local group of friends that workout. The ones that do want to go are slightly more interested in chitchatting on the treadmill than getting their butts kicked. Possibly could workout with my brother, that might be more helpful.

    We are in the same boat! none of my besties seriously work out. When they do its walking and still talking which I dont consider cardio, I want a red face and be so sweaty it looks like I just showered!!!!! :-)
    I have been circuit training a bit there is a bootcamp near my house. Its definately been a breathe a fresh air to my mundane gym time. Joining classes at the gym helps too if your gym offers it.

    Good luck girlie!
  • 714rah714
    714rah714 Posts: 759 Member
    I am a lover of music, so as long as I have fun music blasting in my ears ... I don't seem to get bored! That is the only way I can refrain from boredom. If I didn't have music in my ears, my attention span would go floating away, and my brain would demand I do something else. lol.
    Same here