Stress while eating with friends

It is easier for me to stay on track with my caloric intake when I make meals for myself. I am also able to stay in a mindful state and really enjoy my food while eating, and crave less after my meal.

But when I eat with friends it is VERY difficult for me to focus on portion size and get distracted by conversation and just shove food in my mouth, then without even knowing I ate a whole meal without noticing.

I also feel as if people will judge me or worry about me if I eat a smaller portion than the 'average american diet' is usually like.

so all of this = high stress for me.

Does anyone have experience or tips on how to eat with ease in social situations?


  • Ask for a to go box with your food. Put everything you don't plan on eating at that moment in the to go box and leave your portion on your plate. Then just eat what's on your plate.
  • This is one of the hardest things about being on a diet. I feel like I have a social obligation to eat certain things at certain times---for example, if a friend has a birthday and there's a cake. I feel weird saying "no," because obviously everyone likes cake, and I don't want to advertise that I'm on a diet. I also feel anxious when someone offers me something and I have no idea how many calories are in it. If I go over to my parents' house or out to a restaurant, I don't know what's in the food--I guesstimate calories, but I feel horrible not truly knowing!

    My advice is to keep it in perspective---that's what I try to do. Let's say you go out with friends 3 nights a week: those dinners might be a little more than other nights, but the majority of the time you have complete control over how many calories are in what you're consuming. 3 meals a week is only 1/7 of the total meals you eat, which is not that much. Also, focus on socializing, not eating, when you're with your friends. Always have a drink in your hand and sip on it between bites--it'll slow you down. And if you drink alcohol, try a beer like Guiness, it's filling and not high in calories :)

    Hope this helps!
  • JamesChargerWolf
    JamesChargerWolf Posts: 83 Member
    I make good choices when I order and don't mention that I'm losing weight/watching calories/etc., With family gatherings I plan my "food day" around that party. So I have a small slice of cake and avoid the "Why aren't you having any cake?"

    The thing I find odd when you turn down the cake/drink and say "Oh, no, I'm on a diet." is that people will try to talk you into eating it! I never understand that. Maybe it's that they think you're being too strict? I don't know. I just know that I've witnessed it enough to know that I won't mention my new eating habits when eating out.
  • ohenry78
    ohenry78 Posts: 228
    So much truth to this thread! It's especially bad when you're first starting out and people can't see the results yet. They'll offer you food, and then you say "No thank you, I'm watching what I eat and I don't have the calories to "spend" on that" and they don't say anything but you get the impression that they're thinking "You don't LOOK like you're watching what you eat". I just feel so weird.

    As for restaurants, if I know ahead of time that I'll be eating out I try to plan the rest of my day around that and save as many calories as possible for that meal. If it is more impromptu, I've been getting better at controlling my portions when I order out. Last time my wife and I went to McDonald's, I just got a burger and some water -- I forewent the fries and the soda. Only 700 calories that way instead of 1200+. It gets easier the more I do it :)
  • Kmenczynski88
    Kmenczynski88 Posts: 70 Member
    Couple of things you can do....

    I put the food in my app while i am ordering or planning to order, my friends don't mind and i've actually gotten many of them into using it. You can also learn to eyeball food to a certain extent, ie: Fist size is about 1 cup, handful of almonds is about 1/4 cup etc etc.

    Just do you, who cares what people things. Your goals are more important than other peoples feelings.
  • cattrill
    cattrill Posts: 74 Member
    I can definitely relate to this! I asked for a smaller slice of cake (students so they just wanted to cut the whole thing between 6 of us) and they were like no you have to have it. They had noticed I had lost weight so were like you NEED to eat this! So annoying but I stayed strong, ate half, wrapped it up for later! Try not to let anyone knock you off course if you don't want to be is the best advice I can give. People will always have opinions but do what makes you happiest! No point making yourself feel guilty just to please people, having said that, you can't live your life without treats now and again!
  • dawningr
    dawningr Posts: 387 Member
    Another trick I've learned is to order first. That way you're not tempted by what others order.
  • I like the idea that was shared about getting a to go box, and putting food in it before eating. I am going to do this!
  • star_sprite
    star_sprite Posts: 10 Member
    Thanks for sharing everyone...It is a practice I hope to get better at!
  • PunkyRachel
    PunkyRachel Posts: 1,959 Member
    every single time I go out with friends I'm over count. I have a hard time with self control still, last weekend at the movies I devored half a bucket of extra butter popcorn, plus had m&M's and a milky way my friend smuggled in. It was bad, but I did zumba the next day and got back on track. I try to order something healthy at restaurants, such as grilled chicken with veggies as a side. Limit yourself to 1 roll, biscuit, bread stick.
  • c1aireee
    c1aireee Posts: 269 Member
    every time I go out to eat socially if I know where we r going I research their menu so I can plan on what to have so I don't go mad over with calories! if I don't know where we are going I just work out harder the next day & therefore enjoy my day out with friends/ family!