I need an honest person's help!



  • Naturally a person's body weight will fluctuate 1-2 pounds. This is especially true for women who must deal with the drastic hormone changes our bodies go through throughout our "monthly cycle". Excessive salt intake can make you retain extra water weight and so on and so on. I am a 32 year old mother of two in need of losing a few pounds (we will use the word "few" somewhat loosely here, lol) I have gained wieght and lost weight even back to my pre-baby size 3 times since my first child was born 13 years ago. Stress is usually a key factor in putting the weight on and hard work and healthy food choices over time takes it off. My advice to you would be not to beat yourself up over a pound or two. Instead focus on the progress you have made. Each day is a new day and a new opportunity to jump back on the wagon if you've fallen off or hit a plateau. Remember to make good food choices and try to fit some form of exercise into your day and you will reach your goals. Nothing worth having comes easy!!!
  • My only issue is that I have wide hips. So does my mom. Its genetic. I'm not saying that I couldn't lose an inch or two there but I did cross country in high school because I can run for long distances. I have big hips. So I feel like the calculation is off. Not everyone who is healthy has the same hip span. Like look at Jennifer from weightwatchers. She has wide hips but she is a beautiful woman who is probably maintaining a healthy body weight. Yet if she calculated her body fat percentage, she would probably cry.
  • missmince
    missmince Posts: 76 Member
    I just joined MFP Monday because I weighed myself that morning and was 132, several pounds over my normal weight. I already logged exercise rotations and food, but not with the specific macronutrient and more exact calorie counts I get with MFP. Yesterday morning I was at 128, this morning at 127. No differences in habits - just normal female fluctuations. I'm 5'4", BTW.
  • MJH2
    MJH2 Posts: 55 Member
    I've been at this a long time, and the most important thing I've learned is "YOU MUST EAT TO LOOSE". I've lost 171lbs, am 5'3 and eat 1400 calories per day, but not always my exercise ones. I can also say that the first 100lbs was lost 5lbs one week and gain 3lbs the next, then the last 71lbs was .5lbs per week, talk about painfully slow. I've had significant health issues the last year am working off 80lbs again, but the drill's the same. Slow, steady and EAT TO LOOSE.
  • missmince
    missmince Posts: 76 Member
    I read Dan's post and looked up my body fat percentage. I have a serious problem with this. I am 5'1'' and 133.2 pounds. According to my body fat percentage, I am 37.5% body fat. Which classifies me as obese. I am size 6/8. I can't see me being obese. Since this percentage is used for my BMR calculation, I don't think it is accurate at all. I'm Italian, I have hips....but I wouldn't say I am obese and fit into a size 6-8. This makes no sense to me.

    I read that post, too. But I've also read that tape measures are better for quite heavy people, which you aren't. Calipers are supposed to be more accurate if you don't have huge folds of body fat. Of course, you have to learn to use them and maybe have help with measuring.
  • You know I've heard that too. I forgot about it though. Maybe I will try that. Thanks for the advice. I don't mind spending some extra time in learning something new! Thanks so much everyone!
  • Ultragirl2374
    Ultragirl2374 Posts: 390 Member
    I don't think the fat calculator is accurate. I think my bf% was way UNDERestimated for myself. I wouldn't put much stock into it if I were you.
  • Lynn_is_happy
    Lynn_is_happy Posts: 152 Member
    I am similar at 5' and 145 pounds shooting for 125lbs. I see a dietician monthly. I was doing 1200 calories and then hit the plateau and she said to increase 100 calorie of protein for lunch and dinner especially after a good workout. On days I don't go crazy exercising I go down to 1200. She told me that was safe. but, I do agree water retention and or sodium could be the culprit especially if you haven't changed your exercise routine.
  • water weight is defenatly a possibility especially when your period is due ... sorry tmi... stick with it .. try and eat more calories too .. ive heard our bodys can go into starvation mode when we arent eating enough .. good luck you will loose you've just got to find that balance :)