is this enough work out?

So I am trying to do:
30 minutes a day on the treadmill
After i get off treadmill I do 3 sets reps of 10 with 20 pound dumbbells
then do 10 push ups.

is that enough to loose weight or should I be doing this a couple times a day?

I sometimes Do my dumbbells twice a day

I am trying to get where I can do more and more each day, I would like to do the above 3 times a day but right now I just can't Just don't have the power to

Do most wear soaks when on thread mill ? My left foot is killing me feels like I have a blister on it

I am 5"11
220 pounds trying to get down to 200ish pounds
Wear size 42-44 pants like to get down to 38- 36

Thanks for your input


  • JenMc14
    JenMc14 Posts: 2,389 Member
    3 sets of what with 20 pound dumbbells? Can you lift heavier? You should be ding more than one weight exercise. There's no need tonstrengthntain twice a day, your muscles need to rest. And, what your work out is doesn't matter as long as it involves cardio and heavy lifting, your diet is what's going to determine if you lose weight. You can't out train a bad diet.
  • amy23seeber
    I've lost 10 pounds in the last 3 weeks. I've been doing mostly cardio but have just started weight training in to my workout as well. I'm not expert but from what I've been reading in all these articles that's good as long as you also have the diet to go with it. My diet consists of a 1700 calorie diet 5 small meals a day. I usually pull between 1500 and 1600 calories. The company I work for uses to help promote healthier lifestyles. We have a team of 5 ladies we are competeing to have the highest percentage of weight loss out of 144 teams. Which ever team wins takes home 10,000 so motivation really really helps. It also helps not wanting to be the person who loses the least amount of weight. getting a team of people to do it with you can really help. Again I'm not expert it's just what is working for me and my team.

  • BarackMeLikeAHurricane
    You need to add squats, dead lifts, OHP, rows, bench, and pull ups (assisted if you can't do bodyweight, weighted if you can easily do bodyweight).
  • ChrisinGA
    ChrisinGA Posts: 116 Member
    Sorry, The 10 times and 3 sets of weights is me sitting in a chair and curling the weight. one arm palm in is what my fitness pal calls it.

    I wish i had a weight bench so i could press some weights but right now I do not have one.
    My Calories are set to 1650 a day and I have been trying not to eat over that. been logging every single thing I eat and drink.

    I also do not have anything to do pull ups with, Last time I tried to do some I couldn't. Need strengthen some to get there
  • mrsdavid3
    Hello! My aunt is a personal trainer, and she said that any type of moving around for 60 mins ( to lose weight) is going to help you :) Adding the weights though remember will build mass so that will add to your scale number but you will look better. Godspeed and hope I helped
  • jimmie65
    jimmie65 Posts: 655 Member
    The curls work only one muscle, and a small one at that - i.e., very small calorie burn as well as limited strength and muscle gains. You really need to add some other exercises. Even with just the dumbbells, you can do squats, presses, lunges, etc. Using the dumbbells won't be as effective as using heavier weights, but it's something and it's a good start.
  • ChrisinGA
    ChrisinGA Posts: 116 Member
    Hello! My aunt is a personal trainer, and she said that any type of moving around for 60 mins ( to lose weight) is going to help you :) Adding the weights though remember will build mass so that will add to your scale number but you will look better. Godspeed and hope I helped

    Thank you, I understand Muscle weigh more then fat.
    I would like my stomach to go down and my arms to get bigger