please help a girl out:)

OKAY so.
I am 5'3 1/2.
22 year old female
120 pounds right now. 5 months ago, I was 128, I counted calories and gave myself 1,700 calories a day working out (one hour cardio and 15 min free weights a day) 6 days a week. and one rest day eating 1,400 calories. SO BASICALLY i was netting 1400. I would probably burn 300 or a little more working out per day. I didn't have restrictons on what food I ate which was so nice. I even drank alchohol but I counted everything!!!!! So I ended up losing 8 pounds in 2 months. Which was amazing and I am so thankful.

Right Now I am 120. !

I kind of fell off the banwagon of counting and started eating paleo for a while with out counting just eating really clean....the problem with this is when I eat paleo I do not know how to eat and lose control of my hunger signals, and eat way too many nuts and nut butters and fat.....I can tell my clothes fit me differently( More tight) now.

MY QUESTION is now that I am 120 pounds (still 5'3 1/2) Should I be eating less calories than 1,700 (what i used to eat to lose weight) since I am 8 pounds lighter now ???? I want to go back to just counting calories and eating more of a balanced diet since paleo is not working in my life right now....(very expesnive for a college student) (hard to carry around paleo lunches on campus) etc.

I WANT TO GET to 115 healthfully.!

CAN SOMEONE PLEASE GIVE ME SOME GUIDANCE OF HOW MANY calories I should be netting a day to loose weight? Should I lower my net to 1300 instead of 1400.? I have tried to calculate it and it just isnt making anysense. ALSO how many carbs would you suggest?! I try to get most of my carbs from fruit and only have a serving or two of grains a day. if even that. Thank you so so so so much for any input!!!!!! it means a lot to me.


  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    The info and tools in this topic helped me set my calories and goals - workin' great for me:
  • MelisaBegins
    MelisaBegins Posts: 161 Member
    I'm as confused as you are re: calorie consumption so I'll let others respond on that front, but I just took a look at your food diary for today and wanted to say NICE WORK! It looks like you're making really healthy choices - it definitely doesn't look like the Top Ramen and pizza plan that I was on in college!

    Annnnnd, maybe that's why I'm 38 and working my tail off to lose 25 pounds. OK, then. Moving on. Nothing to see here.

    *whistles and walks away slowly"