Knee surgery with hardwere inplant

I had a knee cap fracture 10 years ago which was fixed with internal screws and some wearing, which still inside my knee. Usually knee does not bother me, but often by Friday after a busy week and specially if its cold outside I do feel lot of pain which subsides over night if can get a good night rest. Since the surgery I became almost sedentary except that I am on my feet 8 hour a day at my job. Since recently I have started running again,so far I can only run 2 mile at a time (run/walk/run). I have to stop because I am out of breath but my knee still did not cause any problem so far. I am afraid how much would be too much. Recently one of my friend who is along time runner, experienced a silent pelvic fracture. I am afraid if she is being so healthy get a pelvic fracture what going to happen with my broken knee.Any one with similar situation? Any suggestion?