low cholestrol meals

stumped on how to cut out lots of sat fat and i think tea time is my downfall xxx


  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,021 Member
    The cholesterol you eat has little effect on your blood cholesterol, but it does have a small effect. We dispose of cholesterol everyday through our stool with our liver making up that loss. Most of the cholesterol we eat is what's called unesterified cholesterol which can't be stored and is disposed of through our stool.That daily loss is generally about 1500 mg's or so. If we eat no foods that have cholesterol our liver replaces that 1500. So if we consume 300 mg's our liver makes 1200 mg's. Keep in mind we have around 35,000 to 40,000 mg's of cholesterol in our bodies at any given time. Also keep in mind that most of that cholesterol is within cell membranes which have the capacity to make new cholesterol and the amount of cholesterol needed for delivery actually isn't very big. Saturated fats effect on our cholesterol levels is more positive than negative overall in a balanced diet. Consuming saturated fat in lean cuts of meat like beef, lamb, chicken, pork really isn't that high unless your consuming tons of calories. The real culprit is in processed foods where you not only have animal saturated fats but the vegetable saturated fats which are prevalent in anything with flour and sugar, maybe reduce those choices.
  • 714rah714
    714rah714 Posts: 759 Member
    stumped on how to cut out lots of sat fat and i think tea time is my downfall xxx
    You should be more consistent with your logging. Also, if you think cholesterol is an issue you can add it to your food dairy