Working moms with multiple do you do it?

lmkaks Posts: 119 Member
PLEASE share your success stories with me. I want to know how other working moms keep everyone happy: The kids, husband, job, the house and yourself. For me, one of those things usually has to give and it is always my gym visit first, then my diet.

I have three kids, including a five month-old and am just plain overwhelmed. I am finding myself wanting to give up way more than I ever have before, but the idea of what I would look like if I completely gave up keeps me slightly motivated. I would love to hear your own story of success! Thanks in advance!


  • abaxter02
    abaxter02 Posts: 23 Member
    I work full time and have 4 children, ages 8& under. I have been working out at 8 pm when they go to bed because this is what works. I do not get home until 7 from work either, so 8 pm is "me" time. Occasionally if I have the day off and the younger two are still in bed, I will exercise when the older two get on the school bus. You just have to schedule it in like everything else in life.
  • rocket_ace
    rocket_ace Posts: 380 Member
    90% of it is what you eat. just find something simple that works for you. it may be hard to manage a strict diet when you are giving the kids other things like treats, but you'll succeed even w/o exercise if you eat something consistently that allows you to not think too much.

    bkfst can be oatmeal, lunch dinner can be salad/microwaved veggies w/ chicken and beans. keep eating that, throw in some protein shakes and other goodies, and you are done.

    then fit in some walking or calisthenics while the kids are asleep.
  • caseythirteen
    caseythirteen Posts: 956 Member
    I only have two kids and not nearly that young but I get it in by my alarm going off at 4:40am. I can get to the gym and back and usually shower before my kids are even up. It's the best balance for me to know I'm doing something for myself but not taking time away from them that much. That being said, when they were babies I definitely was not doing this. It was probably not until my youngest was around 2 that I started working back in the "me" time.
  • WTF7
    WTF7 Posts: 140 Member
    3 Kids, working and school! Log everything- stay under your calorie goal and it will work :laugh:
  • phyllisann26
    phyllisann26 Posts: 118 Member
    I workout during my lunchbreak or right after work before I go home. My husband does most of the cooking. Eating is a big part of it so I pack a bag each morning before work with my meals for work. I put together something in the crockpot for me to take to work for lunch each day. Exercise will make you feel better and help you to have more energy.
  • LovelyVegetarian
    LovelyVegetarian Posts: 117 Member
    I work full time as a professional and have two kids. Whenever I feel totally overwhelmed in terms of my body/health, I work on my diet first. Exercise comes later. That is the one thing I can control even when I'm totally busy. So take it one step at a time and start by making good food choices. As for exercise, I work out on my lunch break and in the mornings. That is the only time. I don't take the little time I have with my kids and husband to work out. I do it on my own time when they're all sleeping or when I'm out already - at work. As for the house, we have cleaners that clean the house. That is just something I do not have time for so I've outsourced it.

    Now, your little one is only 5 months old. So be sure to take it easy. If you're nursing, make sure you're eating enough to continue with the demand of the baby. My kids are ages 4 and 3, and I started dieting when my youngest was 6 months old. I still ate more because I was nursing and nursed a lot until he was 12 months old. Then I kicked up a notch.

    Stay strong!
  • Ivey05131980
    Ivey05131980 Posts: 1,118 Member
    I work FT, have a son who is 5 and a daughter 10 mos. My husband works FT AND teaches 2 nights a week!!! My house is a WRECK to say the least, my kids are fed, bathed and seem happy and mama is losing weight, that is all I know! :ohwell:
  • praying4four
    praying4four Posts: 29 Member
    I have 4 kids 8 & under, yougest is 2.5, I also work outside the home full time. The kids have always been my excuse for not getting serious about my weight loss. I have finally decided to that they can no longer be my excuse anymore. I want to feel sexy and look sexy again. I work out after the kids and hubby are in bed. Usually after 9 pm, but it feels good and works for me.
  • jen6224
    My alarm is going off at 4:15 a.m. I am at the gym with an hour workout and back home by 6:15 a.m. The kids are still asleep while I start to get ready for work. I do this four days a week, but just started in the last couple of weeks. It was hard at first, but, now I find myself waking up before the alarm. Weekends I fit in the work out at any time I can and allow myself to sleep in a bit:)
  • da_bears10089
    da_bears10089 Posts: 1,791 Member
    I recently changed my schedule at work to 7-3:30. My husband gets the kids ready in the morning and takes them to where they need to be. When i get off work, i go to the gym right away, and am home by the time they need to be picked up from daycare. In turn, my hubby gets to go to the gym at 5 and workout and i get dinner ready.
  • KristenE83
    KristenE83 Posts: 187 Member
    I have one boy, 20 months, 2 dogs, and I work full time. I log everything and schedule in workouts... literally they are scheduled. Me and the hubby (more or less lol) trade off... he goes mon/weds I go tue/thurs after dinner... weekends we either get a sitter or trade off. Plan ahead and you will be fine!

    Edit**See the ticker for success!
  • grward612
    grward612 Posts: 72 Member
    The best thing I think is to include your kids into your workout. Play tag with the older ones ... you'll be amazed at how much energy it takes to keep up! Or any other game you can think of that includes running around.

    You can also do exercises that incorporates them in by using their body weight as resistence. Great leg workout ... lay on your back, hold your childs hands as they lay on your shins. Move your lower legs up and down. Keep track of how many reps you can do with each child (because yes, they will all want to take a turn!) With your 5 month old you can sit him/her on the floor ... squat down to pick him/her up, lift him/her up so he/she is above your head and then lower back to floor and come back to standing position. Repeat and keep track of how many times you can do this exercise.

    Get creative and you'll find the options are endless AND you will get some great quality time in with your kids! Good luck!
  • Jennisin1
    Jennisin1 Posts: 574 Member
    Single, Working Mom of a 2 and 1 year old........

    I PLAN everything. I plan my menu on Sat, do my shopping on Sunday and then I cook a lot that afternoon/evening, so I have things prepared for the crazy evenings getting home from work. It was a lot of work at first but I now I have it under control. I prep things every night before I settle down to relax and for the most part, things go really smoothly.

    I tend to use my lunch breaks for working out and then the time their dad has them I put in extra effort at the gym to balance the times when being a mother comes first.... and I do little things, if I need to talk to someone at work, we will take a lap around our building and walk and talk... take the stairs... my dates try to incorporate physical activities instead of just surrounding eating and sitting.... it all adds up and is working really well for me.
  • JenRunTriHappyGirl
    JenRunTriHappyGirl Posts: 521 Member
    I have 2 boys, 9 and 3 years old. I work FT and my husband and I are on opposing schedules me 7-5, him 10-8. I try to incorporate my kids into my workouts... I walk while pushing my youngest and my oldest rides his bike. Or I work out at home when they are in bed or are watching tv. Somedays when I know I will not have time at home, I will walk on my lunch break. I clean a lot and do yardwork. I ask my husband for an hour a day on the weekends before he goes to work so I can run and shower. Get your kids involved, too. We have a Wii and a Xbox Kinect, we play the dance games and the sports games together. My husband and I will go play tennis and the boys will play on the playground right next to the tennis courts. You just have to prioritize and get your kids and your husband involved. I had a talk with my husband and told him how important this was to me and asked him for support... even if all he could do was give me an hour every other day or clean the house so I could work out on occassion. Make it a priority in your life and you will find time. I promise.
  • alblevins4
    I can totally relate! I have 3 kids, husband, house to clean! It gets so overwhelming at times! I am new to FP and I need some friends on here that are in the same boat I am. I will accept any friend request I get! I need motivation to get on the treadmill!
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    I have 3 kids, work full time, part time grad school, and my husband works 12 hour shifts (4-on, 4-off).

    I go lift at the gym for about a hour at a time, 2 days a week during work hours (my work is flexible) while the kids are at daycare or school anyway. I make up these hours by working through lunches and/or coming in early on days my husband is off. I add a 3rd day of lifting at home on the weekends using adjustable dumbbells (that can go up to 50lbs). I also use the dumbbells when I'm home with sick kids (which has happened a lot lately). I have a stair climber and Turbo Fire DVDs if I want to work in some cardio, which I probably do 2-3 times a week (weekends, or early morning before the kids get up). I find lifting produces much better results for my time. I also walk around a lot at work, or whenever I can to keep my NEAT up.
  • ohtobe140
    I am a working full-time divorced mom to three kids, 7, almost 6 and 4, I wake up at 4:00 a.m. to work out, I also go to bed at 8:30 with them every night, no exceptions, even on the weekends. A consistent schedule makes is manageable. I pack all my food (and theirs) for the day, I count it and I eat it, I don't change my mind mid-day and get a cheese burger. I break up my calories to stagger through the week so Sunday, Monday, Wednesday and Friday are my lowest days, Tuesday and Thursday are mid-level and Saturday is my one high day, I weigh in on Saturday morning so my highest calorie day is the first day of my calorie week.

    I let a lot of things go. If the kitchen isn't perfectly clean, oh well, it will be eventually, if the house isn't picked up and toys are everywhere, oh well. We clean up really good on Saturday mornings every week, no exceptions. I don't aim for perfection I am for progressively better than the day before, sometimes that works, sometimes not. I gave up caring what others may think of me, my kids or my house, it is what it is.

    And, I have made the mental shift that good enough is, in fact, good enough. Patience not perfection. No one is perfect, no one will ever be and when it comes down to it, taking care of me and my kids is more important than anything else and it turns out a lot can wait until later.
  • MsP90X
    MsP90X Posts: 1,053 Member
    I can confirm that it is not easy! You have to want it! You have to decide that you are as important as everyone else and then just take the time to do it. Don't wait for the time to present itself because it won't!

    Plan it!
    Stick with it!
    Love yourself through it and for it!

    I work full time, am a city counsellor, beginning a business, a wife and mom to three children whom are all involved in their own activities. I travel a lot for work and it throws me off schedule... but I don't let it define me; I pick myself up and start again. I don't start over, just continue where I left off.

    I would be happy to support like-minded women... we all need to learn to take the time for us so we can be better for them!
  • kr1stadee
    kr1stadee Posts: 1,774 Member
    I work full time (M-F, 8:30-4:30), and my hubby works shift work (school bus in the day, security in the night - 6 or 8-12 and backshifts on the weekend)

    I've got 2 kids, a 7 year old, and an almost 4 year old. One thing I learned is that you have to MAKE time for yourself. I didn't. I got myself up to weighing 220lbs. Not good.

    I don't go to the gym, I hate it. But I've been taking a women's TaeKwonDo/fitness class for the last month, and I've been watching my calories since September. I'm now down to 180, and I've lost 18.5 inches. If you don't make time for yourself, you won't be a happy mama, and if mama isn't happy, no one is!

    I have my family watch my kids when hubby is working. I used to HATE asking anyone to watch the kids, but there comes a time to suck up my pride and ask for help! If there isn't family around, is there a sitter that you can rely on? Even an hour a couple times a week would make a huge difference!!
  • MsipiGRITS
    MsipiGRITS Posts: 128 Member
    I am a single FT working Mom of 2 boys 4 and 7. So, it does get kind of crazy and I do sometimes feel overwhelmed. However, I know my being healthy shows them how to be healthy so I make that a priority. That said, I get up at 4:30am to do things around the house. I try to run while I am at work because I seem to get it done better. That makes my day later, but it works... If I miss because of a busy day, I try to get it in on the treadmill after the kids are asleep (that and housework!). I try to fit in some weight training, but that has been on the backburner lately because of other time stealers. So, I guess we also need to be flexible and not stress when the days don't go just right... Regarding meals... I am a total meanie because at my house you have to eat what I have or starve, but I have to say they do usually eat after a little whining (and the ex did too)! That said, I always try to make things I know they will eat and I make what they really love on occasion but I modify most recipes to be more healthy. I also try to plan meals on Sunday when things seem to be calmer... That way I have all the ingredients on hand and I can plan how I can execute during the week. I keep the menu on the fridge and cross them off as I go. I try to make things that can go for two meals, like grilled chicken breasts where I make more than one meal's worth then we can have another chicken dish (tacos, salad, pasta, etc.) later in the week. Sometimes all the meals get made, sometimes they don't, but I give it a good go anyway!! haha We do go out to eat a lot but I try to help them (and me) make healthy choices, but grilling and the crock pot are my go tos for busy nights. It takes very little time to fire up a gas grill. I put the timer on in the house so I don't burn anything because I am generally doing one or two of the 10 loads of laundry I do per week while I'm cooking... Steaming some veg either on the stove or in the micro is usually my side unless I use canned (yes, not great but better than nothing).. This all whilst keeping an eye on and spending time with two rowdy boys and keeping them from killing each other or knocking the walls down AND getting them cleaned up and ready for dinner, book/story, then bed!!! ROFL Definitely requires multitasking, but it's a happy crazy life!!! You can do it!!! When you feel overwhelmed, feel free to friend me and VENT, as that takes some of the pressure off!!! Good luck!
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