Frustrated and want to GIVE UP

Hello everyone, I am new here.
Just found this site and have decided to give it a try.
I am frustrated .... I have been working so, so hard (cardio every day and pilates most days) and after almost 8 weeks haven't lost any weight. How can that possibly be?????
My eating is good, follow 95% vegetarian diet (except for yesterday, Valentine's Day)
Any suggestions as to what I could be doing wrong?


  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,775 Member
    What is your daily calorie intake?
  • carolynbergen1
    Also, how many minutes on average are you doing cardio?Also, how much weight do you want to lose? Just curious. Don't give up though!!!
  • KaraLee69
    KaraLee69 Posts: 57 Member
    Could you be building muscle? Muscle weights more than fat, right? Are you firming up? Are your clothes fitting differently? Weight loss also hits plateaus...don't give up, remember it is not just about losing is about health. If you are eating right and exercising you are getting healthier! Hang in there!
  • leftyjo
    Are you watching your portions? I have such a hard time with keeping portions in check
  • denisetatum
    Yes could be the more muscle mass from lifting weights. Measure and go by inches lost instead of pounds. And yes portion control is the hardest thing to learn and the easiest thing to forget about. Keep it up and I'm sure the pounds will start falling off.
  • miked7344
    miked7344 Posts: 26 Member
    I went nearly 3 months at a plateau. But I did notice that my clothes were feeling looser during that time so the same may be happening to you. Just your body readjusting a bit. Whatever you do don't give in.
  • grimendale
    grimendale Posts: 2,153 Member
    For the record, eating vegetarian isn't enough. I've been vegetarian for almost seven years and was quite overweight until very recently. Watch your portions aand calorie counts. If you eat a lot of cheese-based dishes (a lot of vegetarians do since it is the easiest thing to find most places), that can contribute a lot very quickly.
  • SnicciFit
    SnicciFit Posts: 967 Member
    Can we peek at your diary? My guess is that if you are eating mostly vegetarian, you might not be getting enough protein & fat. Believe it or not, eating the right fats will make you LOSE fat. I promise I'm not making it up. I lost 2.9% body fat in 26 days and 65% of my calories are from FAT! Do you like avocados? Do you butter your veggies (with real butter, not that fake weirdo frankenfood stuff)? Also, nuts like almonds, pistachios, cashews & macadamias are great protein/fat snacks.
  • mygoggymac
    mygoggymac Posts: 1 Member
    I am new here too but, have been on a weight loss journey for 2 years. I have lost 60lbs. DO NOT GIVE UP!! it is not easy to take off weight. I suggest talking to the pros. However, things I have learned along my journey is you need a day or two of rest and not enough calories can put you into starvation mode. Causing you to hold on to the fat. And it is true that an inch of muscle weighs more than an inch of fat. Hope you do not give up.
  • stratusofkiser
    stratusofkiser Posts: 54 Member
    Have you done your measurements? You could be replacing fat with muscle.
  • WillowBreeze
    if you're vegetarian, make sure youre getting enough protein to promote muscle maintenance! Drink lots of water, mix up your workouts... I'm not adding anything else that you haven't already heard i'm sure
  • Tapmom321
    Wow!!! You are all amazing :wink:

    Yes, my clothes are fitting differently but not like I thought they would when you take into consideration the amount of cardio I do.

    I would allow you to look at my food journal but have not started it yet....plan to do so after the weekend.

    so here is my normal fitness routine:

    morning: treadmill - walking 50 minutes working up to 15% incline at speed of 3.7

    evening: 40-50 minutes of pilates

    I try to take Sat/Sun off but may work out on Sunday.


    Breakfast - usually oatmeal, steel cut oats or sometimes as a treat a bagel ( no, I do not eat of all these at once. :tongue: )

    Lunch: salad with tuna or sandwich with egg salad or sandwich w tuna/ fruit

    Dinner: vegetarian dish - maybe quinoa dish or omelete - changes all the time
    fruit with yogourt.

    Am I building muscle... perhaps but I would still like to see the lbs come off, after all this is what all my hard work is about.

    I was very athletic and know my way around workouts and smart eating so that is why this is all so frustrating.

    I have days such as this and then I sabotage myself and it becomes on ugly vicious circle.

    So greatful for all your replys ... please do not abandon me :flowerforyou:
  • catmanor
    catmanor Posts: 85 Member
    Don't give up.. please...

    I suggest you start logging your food.. do it HONESTLY and then after a week you can look back and see where you need to change things a bit..

    you most probably are burning fat but also toning muscle so doing your measurements is also a good thing too.. muscle doesn't weigh more than fat (god how sick am I of hearing people day that) but it is more dense so takes up less room so to speak.

    This is a total lifestyle change and you need to embrace it and live it..

    We are all here to support and cheer you on.

    Feel free to add me if you like,

  • SnicciFit
    SnicciFit Posts: 967 Member

    so here is my normal fitness routine:

    morning: treadmill - walking 50 minutes working up to 15% incline at speed of 3.7

    evening: 40-50 minutes of pilates

    I try to take Sat/Sun off but may work out on Sunday.

    You might try reducing cardio and adding strength. Maybe 20-30 minutes of cardio and then sit-ups, push-ups, squats, lunges.
  • brenn24179
    brenn24179 Posts: 2,144 Member
    we cant give up, it is so depressing being heavy and not fitting into your clothes. I felt like giving up also but started this week, started tracking and have lost 3 lbs so far, I feel hopeful.
  • SnicciFit
    SnicciFit Posts: 967 Member

    Breakfast - usually oatmeal, steel cut oats or sometimes as a treat a bagel ( no, I do not eat of all these at once. :tongue: )

    Lunch: salad with tuna or sandwich with egg salad or sandwich w tuna/ fruit

    Dinner: vegetarian dish - maybe quinoa dish or omelete - changes all the time
    fruit with yogourt.

    your meals look pretty balanced (fat/protein/carbs) except for breakfast. Perhaps some eggs (if you eat them) or nut butter or whatever sources of protein & fat that you like! Avocado is good for fat!
  • MedinaR66
    Don't give up. I signed up for this about 10 months ago and forgot that I even had it. I'm taking a wellness class in college and now I have to exercise and include this site.
    We had our weigh in today for the first time. I'm 188.8 lbs. (In 3 weeks!) I've lost 6 lbs by 'trying" to use corn tortillas instead of bread, lower my portions, ignoring the sweets and chips in the front isles, saying no to the taco bell, eating a few more salads and trying not to eat after 7. The only thing that I was able to do 100% was say no to the Taco Bell, lol.
    Because of this class, I have to exercise for 20 minutes, 3 times a week. I was walking.
    I learned today, that you have to work up to your recommended heartrate for exercise to really get the results you want. You don't want under or over.
  • paxbfl
    paxbfl Posts: 391 Member
    What you eat isn't as important as how many calories you eat (and how many calories you burn). Weight-loss is simple math but you have to know the numbers. You're giving us information but you're giving us the numbers.

    You have your goal to lose 53 pounds. If you really have that much to lose, you should see the scale move. When you get closer to your goal weight, you might do better to look at how your clothes fit, etc. but for now, the scale should show progress.

    Learn your BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate). This is the calories your body needs to function. To stay healthy, you should always eat more than this number.

    Learn your TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure). This is the amount of calories your body burns in a typical day based on your size and activity level. Eat less than this number, you'll lose weight. Eat more, and you'll gain weight. Simple math.

    There are a bunch of calculators out there. I like this one.

    I work a desk job with little exercise outside of my workout, so I use that for my calculations and then add my workout calories in. ***But I didn't eat those calories back when I was trying to lose. So for me, my BMR was 1900, my TDEE was 2500 outside of exercise. I burned 500 calories at the gym. MFP would put my goal at 2150... when I put my workout in, it would change that to 2650. But I didn't eat 2650, I stayed under my original goal of 2150. Obviously sometimes I'd net under my BMR but I didn't suffer any ill effects from that (fatigue, hair-loss, no weight-loss) - but I watched it carefully since I was definitely on the low side.

    As others have said, be very careful about your quantities. Try measuring stuff out initially until you understand what "1 Cup" or "4 ounces" of something looks like.

    For your workouts, walking is great. I would challenge you to work up your speed a little as you get into shape (assuming you're healthy, doctor's ok, etc). Getting your heart-rate up will help you burn calories and help get your metabolism up.

    Don't get discouraged. I worked out for TWO YEARS and actually gained weight until I finally took a hard look at how many calories I was eating (HONESTLY EATING) and discovered I was over a thousand calories high every day. When I made the adjustments I lost over 40 pounds in 4 months.

    Good luck!
  • porky44
    OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH....... My goodness!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I coulve written that post myself!!!!! I am also struggling to figure out why the scale hasnt moved in 5 frkn weeks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have been eating well, working out but nothing is happening!!!1 I take that back after i weighed in this morning I also took my measurements and I did lose 1 inch in my waist BUT tits been almosst 2 m onths since I started!!!!
    But my advice to you is what I also have to learn to do is- BE PATIENT and DONT give up!!!!!!!!!
    Friend me if you like!!! Good luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • SnicciFit
    SnicciFit Posts: 967 Member
    What you eat isn't as important as how many calories you eat (and how many calories you burn). Weight-loss is simple math but you have to know the numbers. You're giving us information but you're giving us the numbers.

    I have to disagree with this statement. While calories ARE important, the type of calories that you eat are much more important. Your statement is like saying that a race car would run just fine on the same fuel that you put in your station wagon. You cannot ignore your macro nutrients. 100 cals of carbs will affect your body totally different than 100 calories of steak or butter will. It's like fueling your fire with a slow-burning hardwood or just pouring gas on it. Do you want your body to burn through the calories that you put in it record time, or do you want your food to sustain you for a period of time? So, don't JUST look at your calorie intake and output, but also pay attention to your macros. You'll want to be balanced to avoid inflammation and lose fat.