Would you rather...



  • LaDonnaF
    LaDonnaF Posts: 53 Member
    Is there anything I can do about the b.o. like shower more and better deodorant? if so, then that, if not, then balding definitely!

    Would you rather someone give you $5,000 cash, or $6,000 in pennies?

    I'll take the pennies. The bank can work wonders ;)

    Would you rather get stuck in an elevator or get stuck in a ski lift?

    elevator ~ ski lift would get cold

    would you rather get caught stealing or flashing?
  • bfg145
    bfg145 Posts: 12 Member
    You sure about those pennies? you'd be getting over 3,000 pounds of pennies... :noway:

    ski lift!

    caught flashing

    Would you rather have to go to the moon, or anywhere on earth you wanted, for a month?
  • MG_Fit
    MG_Fit Posts: 1,143 Member
    Cabo, Tahiti, Thailand, Hawaii, etc....

    No beaches on the moon. I'd stay here!

    Would you rather work out at the gym nekkid or be stuck in a room with mosquitoes
  • CanuckLove
    CanuckLove Posts: 673 Member
    mosquitos - I'm from the north, they have forks and knives there. lol

    Would you rather walk in your parents having sex or have them walk in on you having sex? lmao
  • action_figure
    action_figure Posts: 511 Member
    Room with mosquitos. I'll kill those suckers.

    Would you rather be the Doctor's companion or serve under Captain Picard?
  • polarsjewel
    polarsjewel Posts: 1,725 Member
    Pennies are no longer issued in Canada, so $5,000 in cash, TYVM :drinker:

    Have them walk in on me, it's less traumatizing

    Would you rather eat fresh horsemeat from Burger King or a month old cheese burger from McDonalds?

    ETA: The Doctor's Companion by far!!
  • HappyNinjaStar
    HappyNinjaStar Posts: 353 Member
    fresh horsemeat.... I think that would definitely be the tastier option!

    Would you rather drink 100 gallons of water sweetened with some type of artificial sweetener that has a high risk of killing you within 5 years or 100 gallons of stale stagnant water that will either kill you in 2 days or do no harm at all?
  • kikilieb
    kikilieb Posts: 118 Member
    I guess i'll drink the sweetened stuff... that's a tough one!

    would you rather be half bird - half human, or half fish - half human?
  • half fish - half human, I want to be a mermaid lol!

    Would you rather be able to fly or turn invisible?
  • Flight.

    Would you rather vacation in Europe or in Cuba?
  • Vain_Witch
    Vain_Witch Posts: 476 Member
    I guess i'll drink the sweetened stuff... that's a tough one!

    would you rather be half bird - half human, or half fish - half human?

    Half bird/half human. I'd prefer to fly than swim. :-)

    Would you rather be fat and have a pretty face or thin and have an ugly face?
  • Sballard418
    Sballard418 Posts: 153 Member

    Would you rather vacation in Europe or in Cuba?


    WYR: Walk over hot coals, or glass

    ETA Pretty Face bigger...
  • NutellaAddict
    NutellaAddict Posts: 1,258 Member

    Would you rather punch me in the face or kick me in the b@lls?
  • Europe....my whole family is from Italy.

    Would You rather eat a hissing cockaroach or be in a tank filled to top with them?
  • terrappyn
    terrappyn Posts: 324 Member

    Would you rather wake up in a random prison or wake up next to your mother/father in law?
  • this always happens to me.....grrrr

    i would rather kick you in the balls....

    same question about the hissing cockaroaches....
  • Rum_Runner
    Rum_Runner Posts: 617 Member
    Eat the cockroach

    WYR: Die by fire or by drowning?
  • whitmars106
    whitmars106 Posts: 118 Member

    WYR: Sleep in a bed of snakes or spiders?
  • kikilieb
    kikilieb Posts: 118 Member

    and spiders

    would you rather have a face full of acne or a persistant bleeding nose?
  • Bloody nose

    would u rather have to make out with a old guy or take in a bum for a week?