


  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    agree, just do what the men do.

    The lifts describe in this thread (deadlifts, squats, etc) are good because you hit the most body parts at once and generally with larger weight. However, they are also more complicated and require a little more form/skill to avoid injury then most of the isolation lifts.

    might help to have a knowledgable gym patron or something watch you do them the first few times. or even make a video and post it in here and ask if your form is good.

    Once you get the form down i suggest you pick a weight where you reach positive failure (when you simply cant do another rep) at about 12-15 reps or less. Anything higher rep is a waste of time from a muscle building perspective, if you just want to burn calories its fine tho
  • lasmit4477
    lasmit4477 Posts: 308 Member
    I'm loving the feed back!!!

    but what is stronglifts!! lol I've googled and youtubed, and it's mostly men lifting big weights....

    HELP :(

    Do what the men do, only with less weight. That's what is working for me. As you get more acquainted with the weight room, you'll figure it all out. Just don't let fear of the unknown stop you.

    Seriously watch the videos and think about your form. If you know anyone who lifts that you trust, get help with form. Form first, heavy second.
    Perfect advice!! I agree 100%

    ^I concur!! I like Stronglifts 5x5.