Weight Gain Due to Medication



  • Shells918
    Shells918 Posts: 1,070 Member
    I'm losing weight on these meds. Slowly and with a ton of exercise, but it's definitely possible.
  • meganjcallaghan
    meganjcallaghan Posts: 949 Member
    I think the problem with medication isn't so much that it actually causes weight gain (though that's probably the easiest way for Doctors to explain the correlation between medication and weight gain), but that either the hormonal changes they can cause can alter your metabolism so you're not burning as many calories (so eating the same as you did before will cause weight gain since the "CO" part of CICO has changed and the "CI" part hasn't been adjusted accordingly) or they might cause you to feel more hungry or possibly less inclined to be active (in which case the issue is still a CICO imbalance). It still comes down to more calories coming in than are going out....it'll just take figuring out what changes you'll need to make to balance things out while on the medication. Might be a bit of trial and error...which is like half of what life is anyway, I think. Good luck!