my dog's fitness

KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
edited September 20 in Fitness and Exercise
I have a 50lb boxer/pitbull mix named Lexi (her pictures are on my profile). I've been walking her for 2 miles when I go to the park and then she passes out when we get home. There is a March of Dimes walk coming up in about 3 weeks thats 3.5 miles long and I want to take her with me, but I don't want to push her too hard.

The track I walk her on is very fine gravel...will walking her on roads/sidewalks for 3.5 miles hurt her feet?

Also, I typically put a backpack on her with 2- 16oz water bottles in it. She's a very high energy dog and it keeps her focused so she's not chasing everything she sees. Maybe I could just leave her pack at home that day? Although I will say its nice to have the water available for when she's hot...I have a collapsible water bowl and doggie poo bags in that pack too.

So you guys take dogs with you on long runs? I imagine they need to work up to certain fitness levels too, right?? What do you think?


  • Amyann44
    Amyann44 Posts: 24 Member
    I used to walk my dog 4 miles, sometimes with the backpack. He's part lab so he had so much energy that it was good for both of us. It was a cement trail and his feet seemed to be ok. He was always ready to go the next day.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    thanks! that makes me feel better.
  • stratdl
    stratdl Posts: 303 Member
    How old is your dog? I've been told that dogs under 1 year old shouldn't be stressed too hard with running or walking with backpacks (since their bones are still developing and you don't really want to put too much strain on them).

    That being said, I have three smaller dogs (two beagle-shih tzu mixes and one schnauzer-poodle mix). The bea-tzus are trained to walk / jog on a treadmill (to keep their energy in check) and the schnoodle and one of the bea-tzus have backpacks that they wear when they're walking. I think that it's great that you're walking Lexi and that she's wearing a backpack during the walk! Our dog sitter (who walks the "kids" when we're away on a day trip) has recommended that we don't load the backpacks with more than 1/3 of the dogs' weight (in your case, that'd be just under 17 lbs).

    As for the March of Dimes walk, I think that it would be great for you to walk with her. You may be surprised at how willing she'll be to walk with her favorite person! I don't think that the roads and sidewalks will hurt her feet (unless they are super-hot due to sunlight or covered in glass-LOL). I would definitely recommend keeping the backpack on her - it's what she's used to for walks. If you change her routine, she may get a little bit more wound up than you expect and she may end up being harder to handle at the beginning with new people, etc. And DEFINITELY take water for her! You wouldn't go on a 3.5 mile walk without it, would you? So, you may want to actually carry a little bit extra for her.

    Yes, dogs do have fitness levels and fitnes level progression, just as humans do. I think you'll be fine with your Lexi on the walk. Between now and then, though, I'd increase the walks a little bit to get her used to a longer time and maybe also walk her on different surfaces so that she doesn't freak out to feel something other than gravel under her feet.

    I hope this helps!

    Cheers & good luck to you and Lexi!
  • kellybones
    kellybones Posts: 281 Member
    I have three dogs. The highest energy level dog runs with me - we run 4 times a week - our short runs are 3.5 miles and our long runs are 6+ miles. She also runs with my husband the other 3 days a week (when he drags his behind out of bed for a run that is). She is capable of running way farther, way faster and for WAAAAAY longer than I am.

    That being said, we did NOT start out running her 7 days a week, 45 mintues or more at a time. We built up to it slowly, using cool weather to help build up her feet.

    If you normally are walking her 2 miles with the backpack on, I'd consider taking her for a longer walk sometime in the next three weeks without the backpack to see how her focus is and see how her energy is. 3.5 miles may be completely and totally okay for her to do. She probably will enjoy it greatly! Just make sure to have water for her - you may have to carry it though!
  • ka_42
    ka_42 Posts: 720 Member
    This is my opinion... My mom works at a vet office and she says that dogs should have some sort of exercise every day even if it's just around the block!

    Last night I threw the ball for about 30 minutes with my dog, Bella (she's a 75 pound rottweiler/Shepard). Then took her on a two mile jog. She was tired but I know she could have gone for more (not me.. I was tired!) So I think your pooch will be just fine on 3.5 mi. walk!

    Does your dog have it's du-claws (sp?)? This makes it harder on their feet on hard surfaces. My dog never had her's removed but she doesn't act like they hurt. I think she'd let me know if she was uncomfortable... she's kind of a prissy dog!

    I need a doggy back pack like what you have!! That is awesome! I'm always trying to juggle too much stuff.

    Hope I'm of help to ya!
  • GRose
    GRose Posts: 69
    Deborah had some great points. It makes me want to leave work right now and take my dogs for another walk this week. I can't wait until my husband & I move into our own place & I have more time to spend with them.

    Having said that, I don't think that another mile & a half would be too much for her to handle. Increase gradually & keep the backpack on. It is what she's used to (my little basset hound "tank" is used to a pack as well since he used to pull SO much so he goes crazy sometimes when I don't use it).

    Good luck!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    thanks for all the responses! It definitely eases my mind about taking her with me.

    I started c25k yesterday (at the gym) but will probably take her with me when I get out to the park to run. That will help her get a lot more exercise too.


    This makes me excited!
  • carrieliz81
    carrieliz81 Posts: 489 Member
    I bet your big dog (who sounds like an energetic breed) would be totally fine once she works up to it. I have two miniature dachshunds, one of whom is 10 years old. She used to be SO pooped after about 3/4 of a mile, but we kept working at it, and now she is fine on 2 mi walks. And she has little legs and an aging body! Have fun on your March of Dimes walk!
  • carrieliz81
    carrieliz81 Posts: 489 Member
    Also, we always walk on concrete sidewalks, and my dogs' feet always seem just fine. :)
  • TalonaCat
    TalonaCat Posts: 241
    Here's something to remember for all you people who work out with your animals, particularly LARGE breeds.

    Many large and giant breed dogs are what Vets call "deep chested". Boxers top this list. This makes them prone to gastric torsion, or what is better known as bloat. (I lost my great dane to this very thing a few years back). Try not to let your dog gorge themselves on water after a long walk, because this increases the risk. A little COOL (not cold) water at a time! Also, wait at least an hour after you are done walking and resting to feed your dog. This will cut down on your dogs chance of getting bloat DRAMATICALLY.

    I say it's probably fine to do this, just make sure you take the extra precautions to keep your furry kid safe. :)
  • TalonaCat
    TalonaCat Posts: 241
    I am posting a link about gastric torsion for your perusal. Knowledge is the best defense against this deadly situation! I wish someone had told me about this before I lost Ricochet to it.
  • TalonaCat
    TalonaCat Posts: 241
    I really wasn't trying to scare anyone. :( I just wanted to arm you with some information!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I really wasn't trying to scare anyone. :( I just wanted to arm you with some information!

    lol thats fine. its good information to have. thanks!
  • TalonaCat
    TalonaCat Posts: 241
    Okay, whew! I'm really terrible at giving information in a way that doesn't terrify people. Particularly about stuff like this that strikes a nerve with me.

    Your Lexi is GORGEOUS, btw! She almost looks like a mastiff. Where did you get her?
  • sonjavon
    sonjavon Posts: 1,019 Member
    First - let me say that your dog is gorgeous! I had to go out and look!
    Next - I'm so jealous that you all can take your dogs for serious walks and runs... it's just not in the cards for my dogs.

    I have 5 in my house right now... all great dogs and all with their own "issues".
    Beanie is my Pitbull/Lab mix - she liked to walk and I can take her with me a lot of the time - but for some reason she HATES white dogs and will attack them - doesn't matter what size... So, when I walk her I have to be hyper aware.
    Molly is my Weimaraner - she, typical of Weimy's has ADHD, lol! She has literally pulled my shoulder out of its socket when she lost focus and went to run off in an unexpected direction (rabbit).
    Charley is my Beagle/Golden mix and is pretty good on a leash but seems to overheat very easily - he has allergies and other health issues that make it more comfortable for him to exercise closer to home.

    Then we have 2 foster dogs that we've had for over a year now...
    Rocky - a small lab mix who was bred for research. He spent the first 2 years of his life in a cage. He was not socialized AT ALL. He is scared of everything and though we're working on building confidence... he doesn't do well when he's scared. He spins in circles and will choke himself.
    Bella is a Pitbull/Boston Terrier mix - she has the energy/sweetness of the pitbull mixed with the breathing issues of the Boston....

    So when we walk... either the dogs can get exercise or I can... not both! Maybe one of these days.....
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I'm working on my dogs' endurance, too. I take my 2 greyhounds running. They're retired racers so that means they've been in great shape to SPRINT 1/4 of a mile most of their lives. Their stamina/endurance, however, is pitiful (much worse than mine, sadly enough. :laugh:). We started out with about a mile. Now, my full on sprint is like.. a fast walk to them. Our first time running together I was literally PULLING them behind me after less than a mile. We've gone out several times over the last 2 months now (once a week, usually) and they can hang with me for about 1.5 miles now before I start to have to pull them. We're just going to keep building and building. I bring water with us and I keep a really close eye on them (greys are really temp sensitive - hot or cold). There's a 5k in June for my city's animal shelter that I want to run with one of them.

    Be sure to give your dog many hours to digest its food before exercising. Exercise too soon after feeding can be another cause of bloat.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Thanks. I got Lexi at an animal shelter last year, so I'm only guessing that she's a boxer/pitbull mix...its quite possible that she is something else. In the shelter they had her listed as a shepard mix. Theres no telling. I could get a blood test and find out EXACTLY what she is, but that was like, $80 online.

    Lexi is absolutely AMAZING. She was already house trained when I got her and the shelter told me she was already microchipped so she obviously was someone's pet before me. And she listens SO WELL. People are honestly shocked at how I can calmly say "go to bed" and she'll go to her crate, even if the door is mostly closed, she'll open it with her nose. Sometimes she'll walk in and walk right back out but then I just tell her to go back in and she'll stay lol. She has such a great personality. I truly believe God made this dog specifically for ME.
  • cbnorris
    cbnorris Posts: 204 Member
    I'm sorry but the idea of a dog with a backpack on amuses me. Too cute. You have to take a picture of her with it on for me!
  • TalonaCat
    TalonaCat Posts: 241
    This is the type of mastiff she reminds me of! Maybe she's part bullmastiff! That's a REALLY amazing breed. They are on my top 10 list of favorites. :)

  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I'm sorry but the idea of a dog with a backpack on amuses me. Too cute. You have to take a picture of her with it on for me!

    I haven't figured out how to post pictures on threads, but if you go to my profile and look at my pictures, I have one of her with her backpack on. :bigsmile: :laugh:
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