Reports Section and Net Calories

Sparksfly Posts: 470 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
Normally I do a good amount of cardio after work ( love my exercise classes and running!).

My weight loss and slowed to a screeching halt for the last 4+ weeks.

Last week I wandered to the REPORTS section of the site and looked at my nutrition report (NET CALS) for the last 60 days. The results were really eye opening because my net cals were only at or above 1200 calories (net) like 3 days in the last 60 days! :noway:

I eat back about 50% of my exercise calories, sometimes more, sometimes less. My base calories were set at 1200 and since I was never eating back 100% of my exercise calories, my net was always under 1200. Is this just as bad as me eating 800 calories a day with no exercise???

I don't know if anyone notices this that doesn't eat back all of their exercise calories, but I am starting to connect this to my stalled weight loss.

I raised my BASE cals to 1400 a day, so if I only eat back half of my exercise cals at least my NET cals will be above 1200. Does this make any sense?

Banks? Someone with experience! Help!

Everyone- Do you keep your NET calories always above 1200?


  • PixieGoddess
    PixieGoddess Posts: 1,833 Member
    I always eat back my exercise calories. I'm one of those people that will exercise just so I can eat the calories!! But seriously, eating too little really can be stalling your weight loss because you're body is more likely to store instead of burn, since it feels that it's not getting enough.

    GOOD LUCK!! :)
  • brunion
    brunion Posts: 60 Member
    i am almost serton you are supposed to eat what you burn or your body will go into starvevation mode and it will store instead of burn but im not a doctor but i did sleep at a holiday inn last night lol
  • salyha01
    salyha01 Posts: 36 Member
    I have this same question. If my daily caloric intake is approx. 1500-1600 but net is under 1200 is my body really going into starvation mode? I as well love going to the gym and I don't do it to 'eat' the calories. I've added breakfast to my daily meals (bad habit I'm really trying to break is always skipping breakfast) but I feel like my body is happy with the current amount of calories that I'm eating (i.e. good energy levels etc.). Do I really need to try to add an additional meal to make up the deficit...?

    Good question, hopefully some of you out there have some really good responses. Also, if any of you have any websites that you know of that could help that would be great as well!

    Thanks- looking forward to hearing back!
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