Low Carb Vs. Paleo Vs. Plant Based Diets...what do you do?



  • sociologywoman
    sociologywoman Posts: 24 Member
    I do a low carb high fat. 50+% from fat. 20% or less from carbs and 25% or so from protein.
    I am not rigid about it. But I have noticed that regardless of total calories, if my carb count gets too high weight loss halts or reverse. The CICO thing is only a part of the picture. Only people who are not carb sensitive still think that is all that matters.
    You will see them post things they think apply to everyone. Blanket statements like needing 3 carbs for every protein gram. That may work for some people. But it doesn't work for everyone.

    I think this is a good point, I started the thread because I think it brought up some good points, there are plenty of "FAD" diets that are out there to follow, but I think the major issue is that not all people are alike and that not all diets work for everyone

    Not to mention that some people have more sensitivities to certain foods. I have found myself to be carb sensitive, and when I add gluten type foods back into my diet I do have adverse reactions... Many people attribute "gassyiness", bloating, IBS, gurggly stomach to just "normal' body issues, ....again...its perceived as NORMAL...which is funny...because it's not.

    I learned this the hard way, and being a sugar addict I keep re learning it when I cave and have some sweets/treats...what this has shown me though, is that by eliminating certain foods I have eliminated a lot of additional health issues.

    When I eat clean, and stay with the "Paleo" type diet...and by this I don't even add some processed foods that are "paleo" friendly...I find I eliminate alot of those symptoms. I know everyone says moderation is key...and some people feel deprived....it sucks not drinking the beer, eating the pizza, snacking on girl scout cookies... but I honestly would challenge everyone to try a Whole 30 diet for at least 30 days.... keep a notebook of 'symptoms" you might have....is it headaches on a regular basis, body aches, etc... and then keep your notes over those 30 days and see what symptoms disappear.

    Like I said, I noticed immediately that when I did this and eliminated foods my body hated, I had less digestive issues... and being a Counselor its important for people to know that your mental health/depression....actually starts in the stomach!!! Just as does your immunity system, and good healthy bacteria that helps to avoid getting yeast infections and other issues. Another important concern is Candida Overgrowth which is attributed to the following:

    f your immune system remains weak long enough, Candida can spread to all parts of the body causing additional problems such as;
    lack of concentration
    mood swings
    bad breath
    coughing and wheezing
    joint swelling or arthritis
    failing vision or spots in front of the eyes
    ear pain or deafness
    burning or tearing eyes
    muscle aches
    sweet cravings
    increasing food and chemical sensitivities
    numbness and tingling
    cold hands and feet
    hay fever
    multiple allergies
    hives and rashes
    eczema and psoriasis
    chronic fungal infections like athlete's foot
    fingernail/ toenail infections

    I know for me there will always be foods that I will have to eliminate because of the negative impact they have on my body. As fishgutzy points out again.....its not a one size fits all, and so for some people who are not experiencing issues, ....some of their logic might work for them, but won't work for others.

    I just hope others find this thread informative, and challenges their own way of thinking and what works for them :))