


  • petstorekitty
    petstorekitty Posts: 592 Member
    Maybe cut your carbs? My struggle is breads. I just cut them out and in a few days have lost almost 3 pounds. I am trying to eat 95% clean. I am interested to hear what others opinions are. I am not eating anything with sugar added in either.

    I have more luck when I eat less carbs too.
    I do not cut out carbs though because that is crazy! I don't live in a cave I'm not going to eat like I do!

    I just lower carbs. My diary is public so anyone can go look at my foods!

    I still eat bread and drink beer. If my net for the day is still good I am probably still going to lose but I know I have better results on days I eat cleaner and less carbs/sugars.

    I didn't lose this week but I lost last week.

    If every week was like last week I'd be fine.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    Just b/c YOU can eat plenty of carbs does not me the next person can! Weight loss is not simple for everyone. It takes a lot of patience and adjusting to get the right "formula" down that works for you as an individual. I know for me....I need to be aroudn 2000mg sodium and around 150g carbs or I will see an increase in the scale. But it took months and months to figure this out.
    Cutting carbs by a few grams is not going to hurt and could easily help. No one is telling her to go on a low carb diet.

    I'm not saying it's simple for everyone. Read above where I made the point that the OP needs to figure out what they personally need. Figure out how many CALORIES they NEED first, then tweak. My point was to figure out what THEY need, and someone coming in just saying "cut your carbs" is of no real use.

    The flip side is "Just because YOU limit carbs and it works for you doesn't mean that it will work for the OP."

    The fact is, the OP isn't logging everything that they eat and could be eating under their BMR. At that point, their caloric intake should be looked at before macro levels.
  • ShariTho1
    ShariTho1 Posts: 85 Member
    I will start adding the Gin into daily calories. I use Diet Tonic so there is no calories there. I am using this website more for support and information from everyone. Its easier for me to write down what I eat and the calories as I go through the day. Looks like one shot of Gin is 100 calories. Just to give you some more info. I drink approx 88 oz of water a day. I am 5'9" and 174 lbs. If I could get to 160 I would be happy.....If I could get to 150 or 155 I would be extatic!!!!! I also try to drink Green Tea (8-24 oz's) Monday through Friday. And I usually have 2 cups of coffee in the morning with stevia. Also, I know weight watchers is now saying you should not have to log fruit. I have been but do I need to?
    On a normal basis, when the weather is warm enough to take my two kids out, I walk 2 miles a day in about 35 minutes. I push a jogging stroller down a gravel road with a 41 lb and 23 lb child. And when I'm not doing that I am in the yard as much as possible. So I am normally pretty active I just haven't been able to be because of the cold weather. Don't want to freeze my kiddies :-)
    Thanks everyone. I need all the help I can get.
  • zumbarock
    zumbarock Posts: 86 Member
    If you want, check out this link by MFPer Heliotsdan - It'll give you a detailed walkthrough (with pictures even) on finding your TDEE and calculating what you should be eating.

    Or for a different version to figure out your TDEE, as well as some great advice...check out:

    Also, if you are worried about the calorie intake, I also suggest you read this thread that has numerous people who met their goals and are maintaining. Some for years and they also provide their calorie intake and how often they work out.

    For more information about fitness and nutrition, I highly suggest checking out and joining this group: (Read all the stickies. It's great information to know.)

    For those eating below their BMR (which I think 1200 is below your BMR to be honest), not going to preach at you, but here's something you might want to look at:

    Yes, this is can all be overwhelming and complicated , but you are more than welcome to ask questions on the post.
    One of the things that I have found that has been one of the best methods for me to get fit is to understand fitness. To understand where all these figures, etc come from.

    The good thing is once you get the hang of it - it is something you'll be aware of constantly and you'll get a better understanding about your eating habits.

    So I HIGHLY suggest making the effort to take every chance to educate yourself. Even if you don't end up going with any of these methods, calculations, etc - at least you understand what they are, where others are coming from, and maybe they will still be able to help you figure out what is best for you.

    Excellent post, so informative thank you! Bumping for the reading :)
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    Not logging fruits and veggies is why WW is not really a 1200 calorie diet. Those can easily add up to 400 a day!

    In addition to the calories, the gin and tonics are likely causing you to retain more water.