I just signed up today...



  • Congrats on your engagement! Wedding planning can be overwhelming, but in the end it is totally worth it! Good luck with all the preparation. I know how you feel about wanting to lose weight for your wedding. I got married in 2011 in front of JOP because my dad was not in good health and then my husband and I renewed our vows the following year in front of all of our family and friends and I wanted to be in shape. I ended up getting to my goal for my vow renewal, but right now I am right back to where I started. It is definitely frustrating especially if your SO is not supportive. I wish you the best of luck with everything and don't be too hard on yourself, I am sure you will look beautiful on your special day!
  • CrazyTrackLady
    CrazyTrackLady Posts: 1,337 Member
    Hello all, i usually do not count any of this stuff but i decided to try it and maybe meet some like minded people. I use to live in the US, but now i live in Madrid, Spain where things a lot different. I really do not have any major goals, except to stay fit and healthy as i get older which seems to be working out just fine. I have been workingout for more than 20 years and have learned a thing or two during the process. Hope to be in touch with some of you no matter where you live, by the way if there is anybody that speaks Spanish that would be great because i am learning and enjoy speaking it.

    Hola! Bienvenidos a MFP! Me hablo espanol un poquito. Necessito practica tambien.
  • JessicaRobin67
    JessicaRobin67 Posts: 275 Member
    THis is a very good site to help lose weight. Hang in there. I suggest buying a scale, measuring cups, etc. and measure everything and log everything you put into your mouth.
  • Christylee76
    Christylee76 Posts: 138 Member
    Hi! I am guessing that is you in your profile pic? You don't look like you need to loose a 100 pounds. Maybe it is an older picture? Anyways, welcome to MFP, the first step is the hardest....Also, maybe your SO might be afraid if you loose weight and "get hot" you might move on..I can say this, because my husband has told me that was his fear...Feel free to add me. I will support you in anyway because I am on this journey too!!!
  • Mandylynne1979
    Mandylynne1979 Posts: 59 Member
    Hello, I really need some support lol i have 100 pounds or so to lose and my SO is not very supportive since he likes me the way i am now.I really want to do this before i get married in 2014 mostly because 1.I am embarrassed to go out in public and 2. My health is fading and i can really feel the impact of my extra pounds and what it's doing to my body. I would love to hear success stories so far it feels impossible,I have been trying for a few months with no results and i just give up. I hope this site helps! :smile:

    Sorry, but your fiance doesn't sound like a guy you should be considering marrying if he isn't supportive. Men who want their women to remain unhealthy and obese do so because they realize once the woman loses the weight, she will be more desirable to other men -- and he has lost control over her. He may not even be too accepting of your situation as it stands now, either -- but he figures you're overweight, you have low self esteem and hey, it's a free ride for him because "no other man would want you". (I have often heard stories of men who prefer their women this way, because that means the women are "lucky to have a guy like me") It's psychological warfare.

    Your man may not become that, but if he is resisting your desire to change, you MIGHT want to consider that a red flag.

    I just think that the fact that your fiancee' doesn't seem to be supporting you could just simply mean that he is happy with you for however you look, he probably loves bigger women, and he doesn't want you to just be losing weight for him, he wants you to do it for yourself...when i met my now husband I was actually smaller than i am now, I gained weight with our son, and he still thinks I am the most beautiful woman around..no he doesn't think I need to lose weight...I think that if a man is willing to accept his woman for however she looks, then he is definitely a good man...and believe me, when you do start to drop weight, he will still love you for who you are! Way to go!
  • Hi...well I signed up a couple years ago, then disappeared, re-appeared blah blah blah. I lost 32 pounds, re-gained, lost again ....well here I go again. Losing weight is tough, really tough. Takes perseverance, drive, effort....all of the above. But one thing I can say for sure...It was easiest when I had a group to talk to. That's why I decided to take a peek at this community. I lost the most and looked the best when I was on the Jillian Michales plan, but just couldn't keep paying forever. The community was the best part and kept me going. Once I left that site...got back to doing things "my way", it all fell apart....work stress re-claimed me and I just ended up where I started. Why will things be different this time? Not sure, but I know with the support of the community and really tracking food...it will work again. It WILL work.
  • Don't give up, I nearly did and have so far lost 84 lbs. so how did I do it? Feel free to add me, I will share and support.
    Anybody can add me I am on this site daily. :smile:
  • Welcome and good luck.
  • Hello, I really need some support lol i have 100 pounds or so to lose and my SO is not very supportive since he likes me the way i am now.I really want to do this before i get married in 2014 mostly because 1.I am embarrassed to go out in public and 2. My health is fading and i can really feel the impact of my extra pounds and what it's doing to my body. I would love to hear success stories so far it feels impossible,I have been trying for a few months with no results and i just give up. I hope this site helps! :smile:

    Sorry, but your fiance doesn't sound like a guy you should be considering marrying if he isn't supportive. Men who want their women to remain unhealthy and obese do so because they realize once the woman loses the weight, she will be more desirable to other men -- and he has lost control over her. He may not even be too accepting of your situation as it stands now, either -- but he figures you're overweight, you have low self esteem and hey, it's a free ride for him because "no other man would want you". (I have often heard stories of men who prefer their women this way, because that means the women are "lucky to have a guy like me") It's psychological warfare.

    Your man may not become that, but if he is resisting your desire to change, you MIGHT want to consider that a red flag.

    Last reply I think a bit harsh...

    Maybe that's his way of being "supportive". I mean he loves you for you and wants to marry you the way you are. I don't see that as a bad thing (some men just don't think like we do!) I suggest concentrating on you and what's best for you. You will find support here...dive in and don't stress out...let's journey together!
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    Hello all, i usually do not count any of this stuff but i decided to try it and maybe meet some like minded people. I use to live in the US, but now i live in Madrid, Spain where things a lot different. I really do not have any major goals, except to stay fit and healthy as i get older which seems to be working out just fine. I have been workingout for more than 20 years and have learned a thing or two during the process. Hope to be in touch with some of you no matter where you live, by the way if there is anybody that speaks Spanish that would be great because i am learning and enjoy speaking it.

    Hola! Bienvenidos a MFP! Me hablo espanol un poquito. Necessito practica tambien.

    Yo hablo... Necesito practicar ...
    Minor corrections, hope you don't mind.
  • Oh no no lol i know i made it sound bad in my post. He is attracted to large women I was smaller when i met him (still overweight) but i gained alot of weight over the year because of stress it hasn't been the easiest year for sure, i just don't think he knows how to be supportive when i'm partly to blame and ask him to bring me home fast food lol he is incredible and really does mean well, he just wants me to happy and i know if i want this enough he'll come around :) he just offered to get a gym membership with me, he has a bit to lose too he's just kinda clueless sometimes.But i know exactly what you mean :) Thank You! i really appreciate your reply!
  • tjohn034
    tjohn034 Posts: 163 Member
    Welcome to the site and best of luck, feel free to add if you like. :)
  • oops lol
  • Hi! I am guessing that is you in your profile pic? You don't look like you need to loose a 100 pounds. Maybe it is an older picture? Anyways, welcome to MFP, the first step is the hardest....Also, maybe your SO might be afraid if you loose weight and "get hot" you might move on..I can say this, because my husband has told me that was his fear...Feel free to add me. I will support you in anyway because I am on this journey too!!!

    You're right! lol the pic is a bit older :O i was still over weight in the pic but not like i am now ... (it's all in my lower half ) am i so embarrassed to put up a recent one i think i will, then it will inspire me . For the first time in my life i am having a hard time just leaving my apartment for work i am so ashamed that i let my self go.People treat you horribly even though i'm still the same inside. My fiance says i'm way to hard on myself but i can't help it. :(
  • Hello, I really need some support lol i have 100 pounds or so to lose and my SO is not very supportive since he likes me the way i am now.I really want to do this before i get married in 2014 mostly because 1.I am embarrassed to go out in public and 2. My health is fading and i can really feel the impact of my extra pounds and what it's doing to my body. I would love to hear success stories so far it feels impossible,I have been trying for a few months with no results and i just give up. I hope this site helps! :smile:

    Sorry, but your fiance doesn't sound like a guy you should be considering marrying if he isn't supportive. Men who want their women to remain unhealthy and obese do so because they realize once the woman loses the weight, she will be more desirable to other men -- and he has lost control over her. He may not even be too accepting of your situation as it stands now, either -- but he figures you're overweight, you have low self esteem and hey, it's a free ride for him because "no other man would want you". (I have often heard stories of men who prefer their women this way, because that means the women are "lucky to have a guy like me") It's psychological warfare.

    Your man may not become that, but if he is resisting your desire to change, you MIGHT want to consider that a red flag.

    Oh no no lol i know i made it sound bad in my post. He is attracted to large women I was smaller when i met him (still overweight) but i gained alot of weight over the year because of stress it hasn't been the easiest year for sure, i just don't think he knows how to be supportive when i'm partly to blame and ask him to bring me home fast food lol he is incredible and really does mean well, he just wants me to happy and i know if i want this enough he'll come around :) he just offered to get a gym membership with me, he has a bit to lose too he's just kinda clueless sometimes.But i know exactly what you mean :) Thank You! i really appreciate your reply!
  • emstethem
    emstethem Posts: 263 Member
    I have (had when I joined) over 50lbs to lose, so I understand how daunting it can seem. :) The cure? --Set mini goals for yourself. I usually set mini goals of a 6 pound weight loss in two weeks which I think is very reasonable. :) So far, I've reach every mini goal that I've set for myself. :) It keeps me motivated and pumped to keep trying. Welcome to myfitnesspal. This site is awesome and addictive! Feel free to friend me if you like. Good luck! :)
  • Hi! I am guessing that is you in your profile pic? You don't look like you need to loose a 100 pounds. Maybe it is an older picture? Anyways, welcome to MFP, the first step is the hardest....Also, maybe your SO might be afraid if you loose weight and "get hot" you might move on..I can say this, because my husband has told me that was his fear...Feel free to add me. I will support you in anyway because I am on this journey too!!!

    You're right! lol the pic is a bit older :O i was still over weight in the pic but not like i am now ... (it's all in my lower half ) am i so embarrassed to put up a recent one i think i will, then it will inspire me . For the first time in my life i am having a hard time just leaving my apartment for work i am so ashamed that i let my self go.People treat you horribly even though i'm still the same inside. My fiance says i'm way to hard on myself but i can't help it. :(

    There! me and FI, this is my reality now this is how fat i've become :( i must fix this! :O
  • primal7
    primal7 Posts: 151 Member
    Welcome to MFP!
    I have over 100 to lose too.
    It is just one step at a time and having friends helps.:happy:
    You can add me as a friend.
  • skylardevenney
    skylardevenney Posts: 49 Member
    Welcome to mfp:) I hope you stay strong & do what you need to do for you & your health! I started off needing to lose about 50 pounds & with the support of everybody I'm in my way!! I'm going to add you:)
  • CrazyTrackLady
    CrazyTrackLady Posts: 1,337 Member
    Oh no no lol i know i made it sound bad in my post. He is attracted to large women I was smaller when i met him (still overweight) but i gained alot of weight over the year because of stress it hasn't been the easiest year for sure, i just don't think he knows how to be supportive when i'm partly to blame and ask him to bring me home fast food lol he is incredible and really does mean well, he just wants me to happy and i know if i want this enough he'll come around :) he just offered to get a gym membership with me, he has a bit to lose too he's just kinda clueless sometimes.But i know exactly what you mean :) Thank You! i really appreciate your reply!

    I want to apologize if you or any other poster thought I was telling you to dump your guy. I was NOT implying that at all. My concern was for your future happiness and your desire to become happier and healthier, which I think is awesome. I think it's great he wants to go to the gym with you and that shows definite support and encouragement!

    I do believe, however, that SOME men in this world psychologically abuse women in several ways: they prevent them from having friends, working out, improving themselves, etc, because they know the moment those women improve, they will see their partner in his true light: an insecure, control freak who wants a subservient woman by his side at all times, because HE is better than NO man. And the woman happily obliges, thus leading to an abusive situation. IT HAPPENS more often than we realize.