Lunch ideas?

I Need some lunch ideas for work.
We have a kettle and microwave (try to avoid it as its never clean)
I don't like fish or lentils/beans (nothing against them but will give them a try)
So I was thinking cous cous salads, wraps, normal salads, pitta breads, or anything that is healthy and filling.
And any good snacks.


  • rluedtke
    A salad of some kind an a lean protein (chicken breast, salmon, tuna) I find is filling and doesn't make me sleepy in the afternoon.

    Sometimes I do lettuce wraps - sometimes I make the PF Chang's ones or I make my own with some rice vermicelli noodles, prawns, red pepper, cucumber, green onion and cilantro and mix in some thai chili sauce.

    Quinoa Salad - the Costco bag has a good recipe on it. Otherwise you can pretty much do anything that you would with couscous with quinoa.
  • sophieleeblanks
    Thank you will give it ago, and check the site out :)