Have a broken ankle/foot...HELP

Jillybeans6969 Posts: 1
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
I broke my foot and ankle and tore ligaments just after Thanksgiving. Prior to that, I was walking 4-8 miles a day and doing pilates. I was at my goal weight and maintained it for a year. Since then, I can't do anything and have gained at least 15 pounds. I have a desk job, so I don't move around much (not like I can). My doc said it'll be about 6 more months until I can exercise like I used to.
Question is...does anyone know of exercises I can do w/o hurting my ankle? My problem areas are my tummy and thighs. HELP please! Thanks so much!!!


  • Maybe you can talk to your doctor and see if he will prescribe physical therapy treatments. The therapist will work with you at the therapy site with all the machines, etc. to determine what you can you without hurting yourself. I hurt my knee 7 years ago and had therapy for 6 weeks, it made all the difference in the world. I had foot surgery about 5 years ago and couldn't step on my left foot for 3 months - I gained 30 lbs and lost all muscle mass. I am finally now dealing with losing the added weight from that, I wish I had dealt with it right away. Good luck!
  • sphinctress
    sphinctress Posts: 202 Member
    I had ankle surgeries and know how you feel! It's frustrating! I did punches to get my heart rate up and crunches (and variations there of like bicycle crunches, etc.) I did bicycle legs in the air and scissor kicks. ***The biggest thing I found was b/c my body wasn't used to doing those motions when laying on the ground, I got tired a lot faster than I thought I would... just don't give up! Even if you can only do 5 minutes, that's 5 minutes and you'll build up to more!*** Also, once I didn't have staples and sutures anymore, I went swimming. Good work out, easy on joints... don't know if you swim, but it helped! If not, there's water aerobics, and MAN! the seniors in that class kicked my butt!!! It's a really good workout!

    : )

    Good luck!
    If you aren't doing physical therapy, you might want to consider finding a doctor who is a D.O. (Doctor of Osteopathic medicine), who actually does Osteopathic manipulation on a regular basis. I tore my hamstring and getting adjusted by a D.O. who specializes in sports medicine put me on the fast track for healing! I have never recovered this quickly from any injury!

    : )
  • halzuzu
    halzuzu Posts: 60 Member
    That is frustrating! I broke my ankle a few years back after having lost 50 pounds. I couldn't put any pressure on the foot for over a month, then had to wear a srt of boot contraption for another 3 months. This kept my ankle from moving so that the bones/joints could heal and for 6 months after that I still couldnt wear regular shoes, but had to wear orthopedic shoes. Luckily I only put on few pounds. i think hobbling around on crutches might of helped. Best upper body workout I ever had. agree with the other posters who suggested having your doctor prescibe a physical therapist. I had a PT and not only did they help with the healing process but because they could determine my mobility they were able to get me moving and suggest activities that wouldnt cause any damage. It is frustrating. It took me about 2-3 years to fully recover and still can't do simple things such as running or jumping which limits my cardio. Whatever you do please make sure its doctor approved so you dont hurt yourself. Hang in there!
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