exercise and kids



  • Mary_Burris
    Mary_Burris Posts: 120
    Im Lucky My 4 year old has to be at school at 7:30am and I dont have to be at work till 9:30 so I take her to school and go to the gym at work workout for about an hour then use the gym locker room to get ready and walk to my desk at work. on days that I dont go I use the Biggest Loser Last chance workout dvd and it KICKS MY BUTT!
  • waguchan
    waguchan Posts: 450 Member
    My 3 year old joins me when I do Tae Bo videos at home. And she absolutely loves doing P90X DVDs with her dad. Actually, she usually does P90X moves while I'm trying to do Tae Bo.

    She hates my Yoga DVD though. She complains, "I want BOYS exercises!". And she doesn't like my Latin dance videos because she knows the sound of good Latin music when she hears it and most of those videos have bad music.

    As a family, we dance together at home a lot to Salsa, Merengue, African music, and good old fashion rock and roll, etc.

    I think all the exercise my husband and I do at home is a great influence for her. She is only 3 and loves dancing and exercise. She even has good form when doing push-ups.

    I do escape to go to the gym and Tae Kwon Do a few times a week, but I don't feel too guilty because I figure that by leaving her to exercise for a few hours, I'm adding years to my life to spend with her later.
  • fergmelk
    fergmelk Posts: 5
    I'm also really fortunate to work in a very progressive environment (non-profit) where we have yoga classes offered onsite once or twice a week and cycling for transportation is HIGHLY encouraged.

    But someone (actually a few ppl) have commented about taking the kids to the park. Remember, that ANYTHING can be made into a gym. You can do plyometric jumps on park benches. You can do partial-weight push ups (i.e. wall push ups), dips, pull ups, etc on playground equipment. And, of course, you can run. You could, theoretically, make a circuit course of the playlot and make it a game with the (toddler+ aged) kids, even!

    Bonus: a tired toddler/preschooler will nap HARD and sleep well at night!
  • CreativeRedhead
    My youngest is 4....and we play chase (as long as I can chase after him). He goes for walks with me too around the yard...I've mapped out a mile....8 laps. :tongue: I swing with him and pull him around in his wagon sometimes. All of it is a workout. Hope this helps. :smile:
  • jlewis2896
    jlewis2896 Posts: 763 Member
    :) I thought of this post and the playground references today at the park. I put my daughter on the teeter totter, and I used my arms to push down on the other side to lift her up. (I pushed from my waist level down and would catch the teeter totter as my end came back up.) I can already feel it in my triceps!! I'm thinking this workout is going to replace my dumbell rows....!!