well no candy for me, ha!

lol...so i thought this was kinda funny...a few days ago I had a mini binge (i probably went about 300 calories over my daily goal) on tootsie rolls...afterwards I was so mad at myself that i put them in the garbage even though the bag was over half full...so its a little after 3:00 and I just had half a can of tuna with a little bit or miracle whip..and i thought hmm wow, its 3:00 and I have only used half of my daily calories so far...I think i'm going to have "one" tootsie roll (most of the time i have more than one..bad girl) so i go to my cabinet...and im digging through my stuff...hmm where are they?? oh yeah i tossed them..at first i was kinda sad...but now...i feel so empowered!! so glad i tossed them! today is going to be a good day!! for sure!!