2lbs - Day 4

MrsMontgomery Posts: 2
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
I really don't wanna work out. I want to try this fitness pal by itself. Once I start seeing results, that will motivate me to work out. On monday, I started out weighing 228. I am now down to 226. This is the largest i've ever been. Once I hit 200lbs, is probably when i'll start to work out. Is anyone else planning to take this journey w/o exercise?


  • andyxbear
    andyxbear Posts: 269 Member
    You can't expect to lose weight by just eating properly. You have to exercise, too. The 2 lbs you lost was most likely water weight... Unless you starve yourself, that is the only way you'll lose 26 lbs and I don't recommend you to not eat. You must eat right plus exercise! =]
  • ttkg
    ttkg Posts: 357 Member
    Hi and welcome to FP! It's great to see the start of weight melting off, but it may just start out as water weight - but do not get discouraged! We all start somewhere and losing the water weight is the first step in weight loss.

    I recommend that if you want to wait a bit before you hit the gym, then you at least need to get out and start getting active. Take a 1 hour brisk walk every evening, and make sure it is a BRISK WALK and not a stroll. Take the stairs EVERY chance you get, maybe get out for a bicycle ride a couple times a week.

    It is essential that you start getting active in order to start seeing some weight loss. Once you have burned a few pounds then perhaps you will feel like getting to the gym.

    The most important thing is that you have taken the first step and you recognize the need for you to make changes in your life, congratulations! Don't hesitate to post and ask for advice along the way, this is a great group and a wonderful tool for weight loss.
  • sniffles
    sniffles Posts: 295
    You can lose weight without exercise if you're very strict with your diet. Many MANY people have done it. AND you can do it without eating unhealthily on top of that, which is why MFP calculates your calories for the day BEFORE exercise, that way if you don't exercise you're still losing.

    So, do what you need to do. :)

    Personally I lost two lbs last week without exercising so you can definitely do it.

    PS: Exercise is NOT essential to weight loss. It IS essential to good health. So if your goal is weight loss you don't need to exercise but if you want to be healthier you should definitely focus on being more active as soon as you can. :)
  • miqisha
    miqisha Posts: 1,534 Member

    You can loose weight by not working out, but it is going to take much longer than if you just go out there and walk even 30 minutes 3 times a week. Plus your body will loose the weight healthier and faster if you workout.

    I know working out, is tedious, but trust me, once you start doing it, you will grow to like it, and even if you get bored, there are so many different types of excercise you can do.

    Just give the workout a try, and you dont even have to do it every day, but just every other day or so, and you will eventually get accustomed to working out.

    But yes, the 2lbs you lost is probably just water weight, and you will continue to loose weight, but it will probably take longer, than if you throw some workout in there.
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    While I agree, exercise isn't required to lose weight. IMHO that's not all there is to it. Exercise is part of a healthy lifestyle. Exercise makes you feel better, improves your cardiovascular health, improves muscle tone, can shift fat deposits making it easier to burn excess fat, can help with the complexion of your skin, hair, and nails. Exercise isn't just about burning a few hundred extra calories, it's part of a better life.

    I hope you will reconsider not exercising, it really does speed you along toward a much better life and a much happier you.
  • melville88
    melville88 Posts: 137
    Well done for losing 2 pounds- thats a great start! I don't work out very much; i'm a very lazy person and I've lost 80 pounds since I started dietting at the start of October. I think it's a good idea to work out when you get to 200 pounds to tone up what you've lost so you don't get saggy skin etc but I was told by nurses etc that actually unless you work out for 8 hours a day 6 days a week, you won't lose that much weight- it mostly comes from controlling portions, eating healthily and cutting out ALL junk food and snacks. xxxx
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    maybe start wearing a step counter and thinking about excercise differently it doesnt have to be that 60 minutes of straight walking or cardio it can be simple things park your car a bit away from the store ...walk the mall window shopping...as the weather gets warmer have fun playing a sport like tennis or swimming just for fun.....just ideas...congrats on your 2lbs...and congrats on eating right.....
  • sniffles
    sniffles Posts: 295
    May I just add real quick that exercise alone isn't enough to lose weight but eating right alone is enough?
  • sniffles
    sniffles Posts: 295
    May I just add real quick that exercise alone isn't enough to lose weight but eating right alone is enough?

    Because I started out exercising five days a week for one hour and really kicking my own *kitten* but NOT watching what I ate and I lost zero pounds but the moment I added the watching what I ate element the pounds melted off. :)

    Just wanted to add that little tidbit in there.
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    I really agree that exercising should be part of a healthier lifestyle. It also allows you to eat more calories since you need at least 1200 net calories (calories eaten - calories burned during exercise) to healthily lose weight. I didn't like/was scared of the gym at first when I started. Everyone was so much skinnier than me! But i started going and now I look forward to working out after work every day. I have EA Sports Active for the Wii, which I do at home in my living room where no one can see me bouncing around, plus I go to the office gym on Tues and Thurs for the elliptical. I don't think I'd be having the success I have been without it. And I have so much more energy and just in general feel better because of it.
  • cmw72
    cmw72 Posts: 390 Member
    Welcome to MFP!

    I lost the first 35 pounds or so without exercising, so it can be done!

    I planned on not really focusing on exercise until I hit that goal, then I moved into phase 2. I started looking for ways to get some light exercise like using the Wii Fit, or going for a walk, or swimming. Now I feel ready to take it up a notch so I joined the gym.

    Nobody wants to workout at first, because we feel bloated, and sluggish. But, once you start losing weight, you'll start to feel much more energetic, and you'll probably start feeling that desire to work out. Especially if you keep hanging around these forums because people here are always talking about what an awesome workout the just had or how many calories they just lost at the gym. It's contagious! :tongue:

    In the meantime, start small ... the weather is getting nicer, try taking a short walk every day, or every other day. Look for opportunities to get a little exercise where you can.

    There's nothing wrong with doing this in phases, in fact ... I think it's beneficial. You don't want to burn yourself out the first week. I like that you've set a target goal of 200lbs to start your exercise program. You can make that your reward for hitting 200! Treat yourself to some workout DVD's or a gym membership. I know it sounds corny ... but it's these little mental affirmations that help get us through the day. :wink:

    In the end, you need to find a pace, and a style that works for you.

    Hang in there!
  • KarenECunningham
    KarenECunningham Posts: 419 Member
    I started a fairly restrictive program and made a big change in my eating habits so the first two weeks I only walked a few days a week and then I gradually added more exercise. I am now on week 10 and I am working out at least 5 days a week on the elliptical where I burn about 500 calories at a time. I also walk and try and move more throughout my day. (I park further from the store, clean house energetically and play with my grandkids) I am glad I started out a little slowly adding in movement because I was hungry the first week or two and because I took sugar and all simple carbs out of my diet I believe I was having some withdrawals. I would encourage you to at least do some exercise even if it is a slow walk a few times a week. Good luck to you.
  • needamulligan
    needamulligan Posts: 558 Member
    Welcome! Prior to this plan, I've tried Weight Watchers multiple times and Jenny Craig a time or two. Both programs de-emphasize exercise in the beginning. Having lots of experience with various weight loss programs, I can tell you that once weight loss starts to level off you will need to exercise harder in order to keep losing weight. By then exercising will be so much easier! Believe it or not, you may even enjoy exercising! Good luck and stick with the plan! MFP will work if you stick with it.....and it's free!
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