Looking for tall friends :o)



  • o2ba2x4
    o2ba2x4 Posts: 1 Member
    6' - Heart-broken when the doctor told me there is no such thing as the big-boned excuse! Got a LONG way to go, especially now that the metabolism has all but disppeared. Anyway, glad to see other tall people here!
  • JulieAntler
    JulieAntler Posts: 28 Member
    I'm 5'11!

    *Tall person hug* Honestly, how good are tall person hugs? If someone is taller than me, it's a miracle and I always attack them for hugs because I like feeling small every once in a while! :D
  • sugah11
    sugah11 Posts: 156 Member
    Add me too! I am 5'9.....Love being tall, love being able to look most men in the eye or over the top of their heads! Love my high heels. :happy:
  • mermaidme23
    mermaidme23 Posts: 60 Member
    Yes to tall hugs!
  • mermaidme23
    mermaidme23 Posts: 60 Member

    I'm 5'10, ~172 lbs, and my goal weight is about 140. My height has been such a strong influence in my life…e.g. dating, clothes, sports….and now my weight.

    I would LOVE to have more “tall” friends to converse with and support.

    Please reach out if you feel the same :o)

    Goodness! I really didn’t mean to cause such a stir. A BIG thank you to those who responded. I appreciate your support and perspective.

    I really won’t “go there” and address the negative comments—take them elsewhere. However, I will say that we are all here to find the support, motivation, and friendships that we need to get through this difficult yet rewarding journey. I was looking for folks with similar body types as myself and I have found them :o)

    From previous messages....

    -Yes to tall hugs!
    -Yes to tall men…LOVE them (my husband is 6’4)
    -Yes, to shorter friends….love them too! Any supportive friend is a good friend.
    -Yes to tall sizes at GAP and Banana Republic
    -Yes to tall heels…rock it however you can!
    -Yes to being able to “disguise” your weight easier.